Chapter Thirteen

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When the driver pulled up outside the address on the invitation, Carmen had to double check that they were in the right place.

"Wow," Amy breathed the word so low Carmen almost didn't hear it.

"And I thought we had money," she opened the door and stepped out of the car. "I can't imagine how long this would take to amass."

Their discussion was silenced by the arrival of another car full of people, so they made their way to the front door and rang the bell.

In no time at all, they were greeted by a man in a tuxedo who offered to take their coats and purses. They accepted the first offer, but opted to keep their purses with them. It felt weird to be without their phones and identification, especially with Miranda the Saboteur running around.

Amy led the way as they wandered through the party, admiring the space as they went. The house was a mansion straight out of a movie. In fact, it probably was the setting for a movie. Maybe more than one.

"Carmen," Siobhan called out from behind them as they admired the large library filled to the brim with ornate wooden shelves. "I'm so glad you both could make it. Welcome, Amy."

A waiter walked by and offered the girls some kind of gross looking small food, but they both accepted to avoid offending their host.

"Let's get you a drink," Siobhan gestured to a nearby waiter, who brought them each a glass of champagne.

"That should help get rid of the taste," she smiled. "But we won't tell the chef, will we?"

Carmen couldn't help but laugh as Siobhan touched the side of her nose, winked, and walked away, calling out over her shoulder, "Have fun! And make sure you see me before you leave for the night. I'd like to discuss something with you."

How could anyone say no to a request like that? The girls didn't have to say anything, though, as their hostess had already disappeared.

They wandered the party, sampling more pretty gross food, drinking more champagne, and dancing to music played by a full, live band. It probably wasn't meant to be danced to, but dancers never meet a piece of music they can't work with.

It was after midnight when the party started to wind down and Carmen and Amy decided to go find Mrs. Galloway before heading out themselves.

After almost twenty minutes of searching, they finally found her standing under an archway in the backyard.

"Mrs. Galloway?" Carmen asked quietly as she knocked on the open door and stepped through it, her dress dragging behind her now that she had removed her heels.

"Siobhan, please," she smiled and waved them over as she sipped her champagne.

"Siobhan," Carmen spoke, "I just wanted to come thank you for the invitation personally before we head out. Another early morning tomorrow."

Siobhan sat down on a nearby couch and patted the space beside her, indicating that Carmen should sit.

"I'm just gonna go grab one more drink before we go," Amy awkwardly excused herself as Carmen went to take her seat on the couch.

"Carmen," Siobhan spoke once Amy was out of earshot. "I'm sure you've figured out by now that I am considering giving a sizable donation to a theater company."

Carmen could only nod as Siobhan waited for confirmation.

"And as you also noticed, your directors and some other tall girl are trying to convince me to give it to them."

Carmen nodded again as Siobhan continued, "But the thing is, I don't like them very much. And I really don't like that they decided to selectively apply my invitation to this party for their own gain."

Carmen swallowed the lump in her throat. Surely she was about to learn that she'd be blamed for losing a sizable donation, which would cost her the job. But there was nothing to be said. Everything Siobhan was saying was true, so how could Carmen contradict it?

"I'm sorry," Carmen settled on a very non-committal response and hoped for the best.

"You didn't do anything wrong, my dear, which is why I want to speak to you before I make my decision."

"Oh," Carmen still had no idea what to say, but Siobhan seemed to require an answer.

"I want you to be honest with me," she sipped her champagne again, "Do you think my money will be well spent if I donate it to your directors, Paul and George or whoever they are?"

Carmen unsuccessfully attempted to stifle her laugh, "Sorry. I just love that you got their names wrong. I wish they'd been here to see that. They deserve it."

Oh no, why did I decide to drink those glasses of champagne? This is now how I should be behaving.

"My dear, that seems like a no."

Carmen could only nod, sure that she was losing any hope of the lead as she admitted this to Siobhan.

"I've made my decision, then," Siobhan got up and walked away, leaving Carmen alone on the couch.

A moment later, as Carmen got up to go inside, Siobhan reappeared with a business card in her hand. "Please do reach out to me," she handed Carmen the card, "That's my personal number, and I'd love to help you out if you ever decide to start your own company or just leave this one."

Carmen's jaw dropped open as she took the card.

"Goodnight then, Carmen," Siobhan said as she sauntered away. She paused at the door to the house before adding, "And Carmen? If you don't mind me saying it, I think you're wasting your skills working for those imbeciles."

Carmen couldn't say anything as she watched Siobhan disappear into the house, but she had to admit that she agreed with Siobhan's assessment.

Maybe it's time for a change.

Maybe it's time for a change

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