Chapter Seven

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Amy squealed between sips of her smoothie as Carmen relayed the events of her phone call.

"You actually called him?"

"Keep it down, Amy," Carmen felt like shrinking into the floor with all the attention Amy was drawing to them. "Yes, I called him. We're going to see a play tomorrow at Beaksmith. I got free tickets."

Amy sighed, "Oh, I love Beaksmith. I wish I could go. Is it too late to uninvite Owen?"

Carmen looked at her friend and raised an eyebrow at her, "Wasn't it just twenty minutes ago you were dying to have me call Owen back because I desperately need a man or something?"

"Yes, but that was before I found out you had free tickets to Beaksmith. Do you think they need a stage hand? Maybe I can clean the floor with a toothbrush?"

"Amy, that's outrageous, you are a very talented-" Carmen paused when Amy laughed. The look on Amy's face was mischievous.

"What do you know that I don't, Amy?"

"It's more like what do I know that you haven't told me yet," Amy smiled. "I got a call from Lori at Beaksmith the other day. She was looking into your references from a year old audition and asked me if I thought you might still want a job."

"Is there a reason you didn't tell me?" Carmen put on her best teacher look as she put her hands on her hips and stared her friend down, "I could have done with some preparation."

Amy twisted her sweater between her fingers before she spoke, "I didn't want you to get all sad if you didn't get it again. So I just kind of kept it to myself."

"I'm surprised you did, given how much you were spilling last night," Carmen smiled at her friend, indicating her forgiveness.

"Oh, sorry about spilling my drinks," Amy winced. "I'll have your apartment cleaned."

Carmen waved her off, "It's fine. But back to this Beaksmith thing."

Amy waited expectantly for Carmen to say something. When she didn't, Amy prompted her, "Does going to the show mean you're going to accept their offer?"

Carmen still hadn't had time to figure it out.

"Well, my gut reaction is to stay here," Carmen shrugged, "but I'm not really decided yet. I'm waiting for their performance first."

"So, let me get this straight" Amy looked confused. "You are going to turn down a lucrative multi-show lead contract just so you can stay here and get passed over for the lead again when John gives it to Miranda?"

"You don't know that's what will happen," Carmen defended herself, "I still have a chance."

Amy rolled her eyes and popped a grape into her mouth, "Oh, please. We all know they are just holding the auditions to make it look like those two aren't-"

"Amy!" Carmen cut off her friend before she could spread the more salacious gossip.

They spent the rest of rehearsals actually doing their jobs, which meant there wasn't a lot of time for talking, and Carmen could avoid Amy's prying questions. When rehearsals came to an end for their afternoon break, John asked Carmen to stay behind.

"I'll see you later," Amy hugged Carmen, "And I'm not done talking about this."

"I didn't think you were," Carmen whispered through a smile. "We'll talk later."

Once the theater was clear, Carmen was standing in front of the director, Phil, and the assistant director, John, with only Miranda for company. Not a very pleasant feeling.

"We've called you both here because we are in the final stages of casting the position. We have one more request for the interview process before we make our final casting decision," John smiled sickly as he spoke.

Miranda and I both nodded. I just wanted to get the audition over with.

"As you know," Phil began, "the lead role in our musical means more than just performing on stage. You will become the face of this company. That means posters, promotional campaigns, talk shows, guest appearances, and galas."

John's smile turned into a smirk as he looked towards Carmen and continued, "For this reason, part of your audition will be your performance at the gala we are hosting later this week. I'll make sure the details are emailed to you. The whole gala is planned by event staff, so all you have to do is impress the guests. Their generosity is how we keep this theater running."

Well, you could keep it running with the profits if you knew anything about running a business, you great buffoon.

"Of course, John. I'd be delighted," Miranda responded brightly. She really is determined to get what she wants through whatever means necessary.

Carmen decided on a different course of action as she extended her hand to Phil, "Thank you for the opportunity. I'm looking forward to showing you what I can do."

After shaking Phil's hand, she turned on her heel and briskly made her way across the stage and out through the stage door. John's face was worth every second of retaliation she might get after that snub.

"Let's go," Carmen said to Amy after she stepped through the door into the cold winter air.

Amy lagged behind, so Carmen continued, "Unless you aren't waiting out here to get the juicy gossip about what just happened in that meeting."

"Of course I was," Amy matched her pace to Carmen's, "But I also want to know what you are going to do."

Carmen took a deep breath as she slowed her pace to a stop, "I don't know what I'm going to do. I want to work here, but I really don't want to work for them." 


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