Yaya Yah

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Previously. . .

Boboiboy left the hospital, Fang was still there accompanying Ying.

"I'm sorry about Yaya." Fang said.

"I don't understand, what did she even do to deserve all of this?" Ying muttered through her tears, her voice cracking from sobbing for a minutes now. Fang who doesn't know how to comfort a lady he just sigh while watching her letting out all of her tears.

"Some things are really not meant to be."

Those two together continued meanwhile Boboiboy stood in a tall building watching the full sunset in front of his eyes. With gushes of wind cooling through him, he was just staring at it while thinking of how to handle his messed up situation for now. He plans to leave Earth because he doesn't want to involved her in his problems anymore.

After he said Good Bye to her, he remembered from the moment they met.


A month that changes everything forever, After Boboiboy left Earth. Yaya was still in her state of anxiousness not knowing a single information about her life.

She was beginning to understand things in her own way, she reads daily newspapers about her name imprinted all over it. She was curious about her family of who they were, due to her curiosity she then walks to the city into a computer shop researching about her so called family. She opens a website to see her father known to be missing and her sister Hanna suspected to be kidnapped by a Russian Mafia. She doesn't feel any emotions by reading the bad news since she doesn't know her family yet.

She sighs when she didn't find anything clues that might help her.

From the city while walking she stops by to see a big mansion nearby the whole place, the mansion was sealed and locked down says in the banner posted in front the huges gates. She runs towards the mansion to take a closer look for her the place was quiet familiar. But due to her current condition there's no possibility yet.

While she was staring at the huge place as unexpected the atmosphere turns cold the clouds turns grey resulting of rain heavily. She then started running towards a shed warming herself from getting soaked fron the cold rain just then an unknown boy was nearby shivering due to the cold atmosphere. Yaya smiled sadly then removed her pink scarf and gave it to the boy.

After gaving her pink scarf she runs away towards her home not bothered to the cold rain.


Arriving in her home, Yaya cooks a soup to warm herself up she was a bit hungry and she has no one with her so yeah she is alone.

Ying and Gopal had to go separating ways.

Boboiboy and Fang left the Planet a month ago.

And this time she was determined to find out about more of herself starting by knowing her true identity. She was proud of herself that she knows how to cook and she didn't expect that she knows how to do it but it was good because at least she knows what to do for living. Without the help of her father and sister.

She needed to be independent from now on since she can't rely on someone forever.


Another new day comes as Yaya continues to focus researching about few things she can found in the internet, not until a web page caught her attention directly, she clicks on the web sight to see a mysterious post from an unknown account. She sees an articles about aliens invading their city, A Square Headed Alien talking to a mysterious man in black was caught in a cctv footage.

Leaving the cafe she suddenly bumps into someone unexpectedly.

"Watch were your going!" the girl who Yaya bumped harshly said leaving her alone, not caring to help her. Yaya sighs then stand up but suddenly a lady in mid 20s or 30s came to help her necessarily. Yaya smiled as she was offered a hand to help her stood up from the floor.

"Are you okay?" ask the lady.

"I'm alright, Thank you for the help miss--"

"Afrina, My name is Afrina." she said with her pure calmed voice, Yaya thought about that and can tell she is nice because her face says so. She was wearing a pink magenta hijab with a magenta scarf wrapped around her as well, like her taste of fashion and Yaya again sees it familiar.

"Thank you miss Afrina." Yaya politely thanks the lady.

"You're Yusri Taufik Yah's Daughter? Am i correct?" Afrina asks, Yaya lits her face to see Miss Afrina asking her a question seriously base on her newly saw expression. "I think so..." Yaya replied unsure about her answer, she looks away remembering her current condition. About her temporary Amnesia.

"I'm sorry Yaya. Forgive me." Miss Afrina said with her tune turning different of sudden, her voice turned lower and softly spoken purely.

"Come with me, my dear."


Yaya was surprisingly got shock and amused at a time, she saw a huge spaceship place in the middle of the mountains near her city. She was certain it's a spaceship because she saw one in her dreams while having a coma back to the hospital where she had been confined.

Afrina smiles while staring at the amused maiden behind her.

"I am certain you already know what this is." Miss Afrina said

Yaya stop when she was about ro answer she also have to think about it because her memories are still blur and unidentified.

"Pretty much exactly, i think its a spaceship?" Yaya said unsure due to busy thinking about it.

Miss Afrina smiles. "I'll explain everything to you when the time comes. Here let's go we have a long way to go to." Afrina said then lead Yaya inside, before proceeding inside Afrina sharpens her sight behind in case someone sees or spies in them intendedly. The door shuts and the spaceship automatically activates on.

"Welcome Commander." a pink computer came greeting the two new arrivals. "Computer please take our guest to he room." Afrina ordered then the robot asks Yaya.

"Follow me Miss. Yaya." The Robot said leading the way.

His Lady [BBb FanFic Completed] BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now