First Mission

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Yaya's POv

After my Training, it all went pretty well since the Commander's Teachings is quite easy but some are different and hard but i passed them as a result today i will have my first mission starring with Riz.

Riz was assigned to be my mentor for now since the Commander suddenly had an urgent solo mission ordered from the Tempur-A elites. And it was necessary for him to go so he left assigning Riz.

"Okay Yaya, our first mission is to retrieve a power sphere name Diabot." Riz said showing a power sphere located in a distant Crystal Planet though it was thousand light years away, very far i can tell but it's not a problem for them though for me? I kinda feel nervous about this first mission of mine. "Base from Captain Kaizo's details, the Planet is quite dangerous since everything in the planet is fragile and very lightweight. And? Why did Commander picked this mission again? Geez this is a tough mission." Riz said reading few details while scratching the back of his head, this is harder than i thought it would be. My presumptions quite had me there.

"Should we continue the mission?" i ask.

"Yes we need to,"

Planet Crystal

As we arrived at the located planet Riz and i went out stealth preventing any noises, the planet is so beautiful and the sky was aurora green and crystals were reflecting on them creating mini rainbows and any colors. It was beautiful yet fragile and dangerous how could something so beautiful can be dangerous at the same time?

"Yaya careful! We could encounter the Crystal Monster." Riz said after stepping on a small crystal, i nodded then suddenly i used my power to fly staring at the mountain crystals from above. I flew back down since i saw him signaling to go near him.

"Look for a cyan blue cube power sphere. If you found it your mission is complete." Riz said and i nodded then wears my golden goggle flying in stealth mode searching for a cube power sphere. This is place is huge? How can i find something cube and shining in this place? Everything is shining and look like cubic. This is really hard.

I landed in flat crystal surface slowly, with my shoe not making any noise, suddenly from a far i saw a crystal mountain breaking down shredding into pieces i hid behind a crystal boulder and widen my eyes to see the crystal monster walking, and also i spotted the power sphere into its head, There it is! I stared at it then suddenly i noticed the monster was huge and it suddenly washes away all of my confidence.

I can't do this!

"Yaya you found it!" behind me i got surprised to see Riz behind me all of sudden. "Sorry." he apologizes and we continue stalling. "What do we do now?" I ask while Riz was thinking of a plan.

"We gotta destroy that monster and take the power sphere by force, but? that would be too risky since everything here will be wreck if we take it down aggressively. I know Yaya! i need you to go out there and create a gravity force, float the monster into space then i will activate my energy blast, destroying that monster in space. Think you can handle it?" Riz ask hearing his plan maked me chicken out. I've never done the gravity force before? The Commander never teach me that technique. Why did i even agree on this!

"I can't I'm too nervous. What if i mess up?" i ask my voice failing me down, twiddling with my fingers. He smiled at me genuinely holding my shoulder for courage. "You can do it. I have faith in you. The Commander sent you this mission because he knew you will pass this and go back to Tempur-A proud with Diabot." he said and i lift my face facing him. I nodded and he nodded at me back.

"Yeah i will! Let's do this!" i said and he gave me a special gadget, he put it on my hijab and suddenly it turn into an astro helmet. We glance at each other and nodded, i flew up and used ny super speed to catch up with the monster.

I can do this!


"Gravity Force!" Yaya engage and her palms light in pink lifting the monster easily. As the monster notices itself floating it turn its head spotting Yaya. The monster roared and suddenly started shooting out crystal spikes towards her. Yaya gasps and fastly dodges them losing focus at her tasked.

Yaya flews down and created a gravity force, but it didn't work since the monster kept attacking her so fast. As Yaya couldn't think anymore.

"Super Sonic Speed!" she dashes under the monster fast. "Mighty Punch!" she punches the monster up still she followed the monster from below punching it constantly to go up in space as Riz saw Yaya's pink trail. He activates his power and summons his laser energy blaster.

"Hiyah!" Yaya yelled and punch the monster higher and and after that, Riz blasts the monster into pieces with debris of crystal keot falling Yaya dash up catching the cube power sphere in dormant mode. She then flews away landing into Riz's spot.

"You did it!" Riz celebrated and the two high fived. "Good Job Yaya!" Riz said and Yaya stared at the power sphere for a sec.

"That's Diabot, still inactive since no one dared to steal this power sphere before. Can created Diamond gadgets such as Armors, Weapons and Tools. But still dangerous." Yaya chuckles then soon left the planet with Riz, going back to the HQ Tempur-A.

Everyone approached them as soon as the Spaceship lands, their friends came congratulating them as the mission went successful.

Yaya was on cloud nine.

"Yaya you did it!" Raniah said and hugged her. "Thanks Raniah. And to all of you." she said feeling grateful then suddenly Maskmana came. "Congratulations Yaya, today you have been proven us, that you can be just like your Father. Welcome Cadet Yaya." Maskmana said and Yaya smiled handing over the power sphere to the admiral. Then saluted.

Yaya couldn't stop smiling to everyone, and suddenly Riz suggest they should celebrate and everyone happily agrees.

At the station kitchen, Riz volunteers to cook the meals while the others are waiting at the table. Everyone was talking about Yaya's successful first mission. And Yaya was happy about it since someone supports her.

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