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"Any luck?" ask Boboiboy to his friends.

Fang glances at him. "Still.. we couldn't track him." Boboiboy sighs then walks away leaving his friends busy.

As for Riz and his crew. Riz receives a call from Kuru and everyone was listening and watching his watch transmission.

"Guys we caught Adudu. Go back to the headquarters now." - Kuru.

"What? What do you mean?" ask Riz confused same as the others.

"Adudu is arrested and Petirbot is safe now." - Kuru

"Yeah!" Leo and Raniah high fives happily while Riz and Devi kept listening to what Kuru is saying.

"Thank God. Okay then. We'll see you at the Headquarters." Devi waves same as Riz and Kuru. The transmission ended and suddenly Fang came behind them his arms crossed and his face blankly serious.

"I heard. Adudu is arrested." Fang start.

"Yeah our Mission didn't exactly failed as we hope to be. Also thank your for seeing us but we gotta head back to headquarters." Riz said as Fang nodded agreeing.

"We'll come with you." suddenly a voice interrupted the two. Fang turns to see Boboiboy behind him.


Tempur-A Headquarters

"I'm so tired." Yaya said as her eye lids started getting heavier betraying her and in need of sleep. Kuru chuckles beside her and patts Yaya's shoulder.

"It's been a long day Yaya, you go get some rest." Kuru said and Yaya just smiles at her softly. "Thanks Kuru. Tell me the details after this alright?" said Yaya and yawnz covering her mouth. Then exits the main room going straight to her room laying herself at the bed.

As For Kuru. She stayed stood standing waiting for Maskamana and Commander Amato to come.

She waited until a minute has passed and the Elites came in finally.

Kuru Saluted same as Maskmana and the Commander.

"Where's Adudu?" ask Commander.

"We put him in jail sir, under Captain Kaizo's custody." Kuru reported. Kuru left leaving the elites for privacy.

Outside the Headquarters, Kaizo lift his head to see a spaceship incoming. He activates his masks then steps away because of the Spaceship landing in few seconds. He turns off his mask then the Ship's pad open revealing Riz and the other. The 4 walks to him saluting. And behind them it no other than Boboiboy and his own crew from TAPOPS.

Captain Kaizo saluted same as Boboiboy and the others.

"Why are you all here." ask Kaizo directly towards Boboiboy. While Riz and the others took a step backwards giving them space.

"We just wanted to see what has been happening here Captain. The Commander commanded." Boboiboy answered while Fang looks away seeing his brother again for awhile. While the twins remain silent letting Boboiboy fo the talk. After that all of them entered inside going towards the main room. Boboiboy saw his Father and didn't give a hint of reaction of greeting since his purposes of coming there just a command from TAPOPS.

"What a splendid surprise." the Commander said happy to see his own, Boboiboy. It was quite rare for them to see each other again since Boboiboy did change after their last conversation together with his father. He became dead serious and doesn't seem to joke anymore.

As the Night became deeper, Boboiboy and his friends had to stay because they've been traveling for hours and so they need to rest in there somehow.

It was midnight and Boboiboy couldn't sleep, he was currently staring at his metallic ceiling in his room in Tempur-A.

Boboiboy's POV

I can't sleep.

I can't rest.

I couldn't let my eye close just for a seconds.

I sat up from my bed and sigh not knowing Adudu's motives was just stealing power spheres. Of course it was his all time plans or desire, continually its what he always think off. Not knowing the consequences of his actions, he keeps constantly take power spheres from random planets without hesitant or doubt. He wasn't yet satisfied that he already abducted 5 power spheres concluding Petirbot, and yet he wants more.

Petirbot, Throttlebot, Cloudbot, Jetbot or Keybot was all the power spheres he already taken. I also studied that Keybot was one of the power spheres that Sai and Shielda had rescued somewhere from a Planet that i don't remember the name. I couldn't sworn it was Keybot.

And yeah, i was right.

Out of sudden, i heard a soft knock coming from my door. I looked at my watch and saw its already passed 11? Who could be someone awake at this late hour? I stood up and lazily approach the door. I open it and to sees the Commander stand here in my doorstep.

"What do you want?" i ask listless.

"Aren't you gonna let me in first? Son?" he asks, i just rolled my eyes quickly and let him in.

He walks inside and took the single chair near the bed. While me i stood up standing glancing at him.

"What do you want Dad?" i ask. My arms crossed. "Why? Can't a father visit his own son now?" he joked which i didn't give a damn about it. As soon as he notices me serious as hell he stops and suddenly puts on his serious face.

"Okay my apologies Son. I know I'm the last person you don't wanna talk right now but? I'm here to say. I'm sorry. For everything. I'm Sorry Boboiboy."


Morning came and Yaya yawns waking up from her bed preparing herself for another day of her life. She takes a bath then wears her usual attire and proceeded to go outside.

She went to the Station Kitchen and towards the dining room to see her friends, Raniah, Devi and Kuru eating while chatting about stuffs. Without the boys around.

"I can't believe didn't got a chance to see Boboiboy." i overheard what Kuru said.

"You won't believe really. He looks tall, handsome, dashing! and super hot. Gosh i guess rumors about him were tue afterall." I chuckled after Raniah expressing her humorous side about him.

"Good Morning." i greeted then took the seat beside Devi.

"Good Morning. Yaya!" The three greet in unison. I smiled and joined them for breakfast. "So what were you guys talking about?" i ask. Starting a conversation with the girls.

"Well? Boboiboy and his crew came here last night. Too bad they already left early this morning. You didn't got the chance to meet them." Raniah answered while Devi nodded beaide me.

I didn't knew either since I'm too exhausted to gossip around yesterday. I felt myself satisfied just by laying at my bed and never left ever since that night. I chuckled at them. Well? I guess I'll meet Boboiboy in another time.

His Lady [BBb FanFic Completed] BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now