《 17- Day 1 》

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A/N: hey guyss:>> thx for the requests:DD So I'll be publishing chapters from day 1 until 3, which is Valentines day! I'll tag ya'll when it's at Day 3:))❤

February 12 - Levi's POV

Ah, February, the month of compassion and affection. The month with a very special day on, namely, Valentines Day.

2 more days to go and it'd be the the day of hearts.

Normally, it would be nothing to the raven-haired CEO. He'd look at it as an ordinary day, wake up, eat, go to work, just the usual.

But everything changed ever since you showed up in the picture.

A normal F/flower would be seen on the street, and it would remind him of you.

Seeing foods and chefs would remind him of you.

A normal dog would be seen on the street and it would remind him of you.

Seeing mangas or book stores would remind him of you.

Everything and anything would remind him of you. And it scares him how you gave him such a beautiful and frightening effect.

Now, Valentines is coming up and he didn't know what to do.

Sitting on his throne in front of his table, was a nervous and frustrated Ackerman.

Forgetting all about his work, he stood up and walked to his shelf taking out the stitched plushie you effortly made.

Ever since your birthday, he realized how he really was deeply falling for you.

Caressing the mini-Y/N you stitched, he just felt even more worried and nervous.

He knew that you'd look to February the 14th as the day of clichè romance and crap. Considering this fact, he thought that you might have been expecting something from him during the upcoming day.

But wait.... was it obvious that he likes her?

Sighing in frustration, he puts back the plushie, looked out the huge glass window and inhaled deeply letting out a big exhale.

He brushed his fingers through his hair thinking for solutions.

Out of all the essential questions and critical thinking he'd always do for his business, how did it turned hard to answer his own problem when it comes to... love?

Maybe it was because Levi was too foreign to it.

You're his first love and that was a fact he tried to accept. Keyword, tried.

You were too hard to resist in his eyes really.

Sighing once again, he brought out his phone searching for the nickname 'Eyebrows'.


"Yes, Levi? This is Erwin speaking." The voice from the other line spoke.

"Yeah.. it's me.. I know that I'm not a fucking relationship-type of person so I need help in shit I don't know of."

"Oh? Is it because the 'day of  clichè and crap' is coming up?" Erwin snickered.

Levi rolled his eyes and replied, "Tch. Look ok, I just want to do something for her."

"You mean Ms. Y/N?"

Oh damn, how your name sounds so pleasant to his ears.


The blondie chuckled, "So you do like her huh?"


"I don't really know much about women and Y/N but you should ask her brother if I were you."

ceo in love? // L.Ackerman [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now