《 34 - Lies 》

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Btw thanks for clarrifying my question last chap about Zeke^^
Also, the POV's change a lot here bc I wanted it to do so:))

12:30 - meeting

Levi fixed his attire, entering the room that was already filled with people who'd be the judges of his new product.

"Let's start this, shall we?" He profesionally said, standing straight.


"Where is she?" Eld muttered under his breath, his palms sweating.

A full 30 minutes have passed and yet the man was still unable to see you.

Earlier at the cafteria at 12, as soon as 10 minutes passed and he have not seen you, he ordered Eren to immediately call him if the boy may have seen you enter the cafeteria since Eld decided to wander around the building to look for you.

He searched the office and no one was there.

There was security in the area so Eld ordered them the same what he did to Eren.

However, much to his dismay, you were no where to be found.

He was even desperate enough to have contacted every security guard in each area of the building to call him if you were there.

But it seemed like as if you have just disappeared out of thin air.


After you calmed yourself. You regained your composure beginning to think straight despite your uneven breathing. You pressed your hand on your chest, taking deep breaths.


Levi introduced his creation. "Our newest product is the GZP Grenade Launcher. Precisely called as the Ground Zero Propelled Grenade Launcher."

An illustration was shown on the projected presentation.


You looked around your surroundings. The room had nothing else but a bed and lightings. You searched yourself to see if you have at least anything useful along with you.

Digging through your pockets, you breathed out in relief. You wete outmost grateful to be luckt today to have your phone with you. It was a surprise to know that your captors had left you with your phone.


"It has the capability of firing standard and dual high explosive anti-tank rounds and high explosive fragmentation with a UP-7V sighting device fitted to allow the use of extended range ammunition of 700m." Levi explained.

He showed a video presentation of his grenade's performance.


With shaky hands, you dialed the person you could think of, Levi.

You never knew the police station's contact number because you thought you wouldn't be able to encounter a problem like this, but oh how wrong you were.


Outside of the meeting room was Levi's phone ringing and buzzing on a table in front of Olou since Levi left it for him to handle.

However it seemed like the man have not noticed his boss' phone since he was busy scrolling through his phone, uninterested, along with earphone that were plugged in his ears.


"The number you have dialed is currently unaviable or out of reach. Please leave a voicemail or try again later-"

"L-levi? It's Y-Y/N and I.. I don't kn-know where I am- Please help me.." You stammered sounding scared and frantic.


"As usual, you never fail to amaze as Mr. Ackerman." One of the board members said.

"So, what can we do if we were to be an asset to this?" He continued, asking.


You quickly ended the voicemail before fumbling to text him, shaking and sweating non stop.

He promised he'd respond to you quickly.


Levi's phone kept on buzzing yet it went deaf to Olou's ears because of his earphones that were preventing him to hear the notifications.


'Where is he? Why isn't he picking up?' You thought to yourself, tearing up.

You dialed him over and over again before sending him another voicemail.

"The number you have dialed-"

"L-levi please... I'm scared.." You whispered faintly.

And before you could end the call, the door slammed open revealing Annie and Reiner.

Your eyes widely opened.


"What I ask for is plain and simple, exposure and approval to release our newest weapon." Levi answered professionally.


"Reiner you stupid asshole! You forgot to get her phone!" Annie slapped Reiner's arm, angry.

"Sorry okay?! I forgot-"

"Shut up you fucking ass, go and get the phone!" She roared.

Reiner followed, grabbing your wrist snatching the phone from you.


"Then consider it done."

The leading board member stood up and shook Levi's hand of approval.


"NO! Please! Give it back- Argh!"

You yelped when Reiner roughly kicked you by the stomach hard, making you spit out blood. "Shut up bitch!"

Reiner ended the call before accidentally shutting it off.

"Shit! I turned it off!" He exclaimed while you winced.

"Now we don't know her password. Way to save the day dipshit." Annie groaned before closing the door leaving you alone again with an aching stomach.


Olou quickly stood up, wide awake, as soon as his boss appeared in front of him after leaving the meeting room.

"H-here sir." He says giving back Levi's phone, to which he snatched away.


You clutched your aching stomach in pain.

"If anything happens, call or text me. I'll respond to you quickly." He smiled caressing your cheek.

"Levi... You lied.." You cried, letting streams of your tears fall down your cheek endlessly, sobbing.

It's tru, I srsly don't know the police station's number. I can't even memorize my own number ._.
Btw, Levi's new product is based off of RPG-7 or smth
Date Published: 5/3/20
Words: 914

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