By and by the whisper, more than a second gone I stand guard over my heart
Naked in the dream of moments and solitude, cerebration mutilate me apart
Freedom at long last, on this bare evening rush, I let go of my soul's reflection
For I contemplated the mirror and a stranger stood before me, a resurrectionBy and by the whisper, the laughter and epiphany that never before dared last
Unseparated and troublesome, dirt and rain melodies fade away just too fast
And I have lost my virginity to the world, voice to the elusive dawn chanteuse
In the cold beneath my eyes and the universe of desires, I settle into the bluesBy and by the whisper, messages transit the railway lines diverging to branch
My name upon parcels from sources unknown, the fuel of the sun in a quench
When I pass down the most beautiful elements of my animation, in my sleep
And circle the horizon with the wailings of falling leaves, ravenous for a seepBy and by the whisper, echoes of a lumbering apprehension is drifting down
The song of my careless days, my euphoric phase, life is nowhere to be found
A spell of tranquility and luminous breath, float forever in the glowing moon
And it encompasses to my bosom, the omnipotent rhythm and tune of a duneBy and by the whisper, black ashes and the soul on a lasting distance journey
A stranger I am in my own existence, the fixed order of a problematic destiny
For the buried beyond is inverted by a world, attached, strange and deserted
All over my gaze, falling light kisses an exquisite realm, I sense life's encrypted.