- Chapter 4 - 2017 The newbies

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"Is it here? Hmm... It must be. Oh crap, I'm late!" I rush inside the building, panicking mentally. "Why am I alwa- woooow..." I can't stop my pace, before running into someone, who screams probably startled by my clumsy self walking straight into her. "I am so sorry! Oh my god!" I apologise, looking at The girl on the floor beside me. "Oh... Ehm... It's fine..." She looked really shy and to be honest I can't blame her. If it wasn't for my meeting with the CEO, I would have been suffocated by embarrassment right now.

After that little episode everything seems fine, as I'm sitting in front of my new boss' desk. He told me, that we had to wait for a second girl. And I was just thankful that I wasn't going to become a new trainee all alone. Pheeew...

Oh, and I found out, that I wasn't late anyway... I just happened to have mistaken the time... Not that it's anything new...

"Ah, just in time. Please take a seat," PD-nim said and I looked towards the door. My eyes went wide as I realised, that it was the girl I knocked down earlier. She sat down in the chair next to me and smiled shyly at me. "Any questions before signing the contract?" We both shook our head, before signing the papers. "Very well. You're now the newest members of my soon to be girl group. You already have your leader. Her name is Park Jia. She's been a trainee under my company for 3 years. The group is yet to be completed, but I am searching high and low after two more girls, who fit just right into the dynamic I want. Jia will be showing you around the building, giving you the details you need to know and help you move into the dorm," He said before knocking was heard at the door.

"PD-nim. I guess this is my two new members," The girl at the door said. Pd-nim wished us a good day before we followed the girl out the door. She gave me warm welcoming vibes, which I appreciated. As we closed the door behind us, she turned around with a smile showing off her one dimple in the right side of her face. "It's so great to meet you, guys. I've waited for the day, PD-nim was going to inform me he finally found someone! I'm Park Jia, but you can call me Grey. That's my stage name. But Jia or Claire works just fine as well. Now let me show you around," She said calmly and started to walk down the hallway. "You arrived with the perfect timing. We just moved to a bigger dorm for the third time. I know the guys appreciate the space. They're seven! The trainee babyboys and I was both comfortable at the last dorm living above one another. The guys seemed fine with it as well, but seven crackheads living in such a tiny space is pure hell. Not for them... For me... I'm kidding! PD-nim hopes to move us all once again next year, but it's not confirmed yet," She talks a lot, I reckon, but honestly I think it's calming me down. I feel like I can at least loosen up my shoulders a bit and relax around her.

After touring the building, she invites us to a nearby cafe. We're standing right outside the building, when the other girl, who's name was... Ehm... Oh yeah, Hyunmin! I think we're gonna use stage names, so I'm excited to see what she makes up. Oh wait, where was I? Oh...

Hyunmin starts walking out onto the street without looking at the cars driving towards her. "Hyunmin!" Grey says and pulls her back in. Damn... That girl is crazy... I like her... "Oh my god!" She screams as The car drives by. We then silently pass the street. Two minutes later Grey is holding open the door to the cafe.

"Let's sit over there," Grey says and walks over to a table. Hyunmin and I sit down and look around. "What do you guys want? It's my treat," Grey says with a smile, and I look at the menu. "You don't have to..." I start, but she shushes me and tell us to order what we want.

"So tell me something about you guys! Hyunmin?" Grey said and put our drinks down in front of us. "Oh... Ehm... I'm from Australia..." Hyunmin said shyly. "I Ehm... I am really supportive ... Ehm The LGBT community... My older brother came out to me At the airport right before I left... WHICH IS SO NOT OKAY!" She startled me, but Grey seemed to be pretty chill about it. "Greeeeat and Yoona. What about you?" Grey said and looked at me.

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