- Chapter 29 - Where it all began

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Unedited - like seriously it's not edited...

Time is such a weird thing...

There's moments where it passes before you're able to register it... And there's moments where it's painfully slow...

But here... In this hospital room... Time stands still...

Another hour passes by with Kim Namjoon, sitting in a wheelchair, holding the hand of his soulmate, who's peacefully sleeping in a coma. A coma that has been losing track of time... First it was two days with stable vitals and rates, then a day of pure torture, when the brain rhythm started acting weirdly, stabilising after Namjoon had rolled in, calling her name in panic.

It's been a week... A week in Coma... Namjoon is holding her hand through the seemingly empty never ending hallway of nothingness... Spending every possible awaken moment with her, except when he himself had to have some tests run or something else...

Today Namjoon was holding Grey's hand tighter than normal. He was grasping onto the hope of her waking up, afraid it would slip out of his hands like sand.

"Mr. Kim, Dr. Park wants to see you for your daily stability test," The sweet nurse said as she walked inside the room. Namjoon nodded, gently squeezing Grey's had, "I will be back in a minute, my love." The nurse pushed Namjoon out the room, leaving the girl to sleep her life away...



I felt the gentle touch of the hand, that fit into mine like it was the mold from where it came.
Seizing the opportunity to fight against the blanket holding me down, heavy as a mountain. Pushing against the soft surface with all the strength I could gather in my weak form. Light started peaking through the cracks in the pretend blanket, and I reached out, stretching my invisible arm towards it.

I gasped, breathing in the air, as my head was finally above water. And slowly I felt my heavy eyelids fluttering, fighting for them to open. The light blinding me at first, blinking violently for a moment, before staring up at The white ceiling. All my sense slowly returning.

Machines beeping from time to time, eye sight getting less blurry, feeling the cold fabric of the bed covers, smelling the washing detergent of the said bed covers... Tasting the sourness of my spit inside my mouth. My muscles getting less numb by the minute.

As I started gaining control over my body, I lifted my arm, heavy as a stone, towards my face. I didn't even think anything of the tubes sticking out of my hand, as I touched the tube sticking inside my left nostril. I felt dizzy and sleepy, but I fought against it. Trying to remember what happened. Why was I here?

Small fractures of distant memories flashed like lightning inside my mind. A car, Joon, the sound of glass breaking, Joon calling my name... So we were in a car accident? Oh...

I felt my heart beat faster as I started wondering if Namjoon was okay... Did he make it out alive? Was he in a coma too? What happened to him?

"Someone get a doctor in here! Ms. Park is awake!" A nurse suddenly called out. Three people rushing in, checking my vitals and stuff. Smiling and speaking calmly to me. "You're doing great, Ms. Park. Just keep your eyes open for me, eh? Breathe... 1... 2... 3... 1... 2... 3."

After what felt like hours, they decided to pull the tube out of my nose, which had supported my oxygen intake. I was breathing perfectly normal, although I had rips and wounds, that were still in the early stages of the healing process, which effected my inhale capacity.

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