- Chapter 17 - Tour announcement

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"I knew it! I called it! You guys told me I was wrong, but I was right!" I yelled up at the sight of my leader holding hands with the one and only Kim Namjoon. I had called the girls, as Minnie kept chiming down my phone. They made a staff member drive them here in their dance wear and all, only to finally figure out who Grey's boyfriend was.

"Wow... That makes a lot of sense though..." Sakura stated, Making me nod my head in confirmation. "It really does," Minnie agreed. "The tea is hot! And it's spilling everywhere! I love it!" Nari clapped her hands excitingly as we wandered into the white hospital room. The six guys behind us following.

"I wanted to tell you... But I just... The fewer people who knew the better..." Grey looked at us apologetically. "I have so many questions! But my biggest one is... How did those guys not spill the tea? How did they keep it a secret without just one of them slipping accidentally?" I asked, looking at the said guys. "Do you know how many times we have prevented each other from saying anything? How many times we have covered up or warned those two? It's been a lot!" Jin complained with his whiny rambling word stream, but ended up laughing at himself.

"When did you guys start dating? How long has this been going on?" Minnie asked, being very interested in the now exposed couple. "Well, it's actually kind of a funny story... The day I arrived in Korea to audition back in 2014, I was waiting for my aunt at the airport. That's when I started drawing this guy, and ended up giving the drawing to him before walking away. He ran after me and became my seat mate in the bus going to the city. But that's just how we met. After I was given the opportunity to become a trainee and moved to Korea, these seven guys living beneath me wanted to hang out. That's when I noticed the same guy from the airport sitting amongst them... And well... We went out on a date... Since then we've been together... So to answer your question... Since 2014," Grey answered, telling her story in every little detail as always.

"Wait... So you dated even when Minnie and Yuna became trainees? Even when Nari and I joined?" Sakura's tone was surprised, but I don't blame her. I think all of us was pretty surprised by this. "Yes... Remember that waiter? The day you and Nari joined, we went out to eat? He didn't want to leave me alone? Kept asking for my number? I couldn't exactly say that I actually had a boyfriend, so I just played it off... If Nari hadn't scared him away, we would probably still be sitting there," Grey laughed, earning a questionable look from her boyfriend in the hospital bed. "What waiter?" He asked, a tiny spark of jealousy starting to appear in his dark orbs. "Oh, stop that! He got fired the following week, and I haven't seen him since," she laughed, gently hitting him on the shoulder, making him smile. They're so cute, I can't!

"How did you guys find out?" Minnie asked, looking at the six guys, who sat in the opposite side of the room behind Grey. "Oh well... Yoongi was the first to know," Hoseok said, laughing while pointing to the slightly smiling boy beside him.

"Well, we all knew he was in love with her, and therefore we set them up on a date. When he got home, he was smiling so big. I've never seen him like that. He was glowing almost! Anyways... He said that she wasn't sure she wanted a relationship right at the time, since she just became a trainee. In my mind the overflowing happy boy, and that statement didn't add up. So I questioned him the entire week, until he finally got tired of me and confessed. I knew he couldn't keep it from his best friend. He just needed a little push," Yoongi Said smiling innocently at his buddy in the hospital bed, who sighed with a short laugh.

"And how did the rest of you find out?" I asked, looking at the other boys. "I walked in on them kissing in Namjoon's studio. I was so surprised... You should have seen them. Jia just pushed the poor guy, so he fell from his chair. I wanted to laugh, but I just smirked at them and left. Sweet little Jia came running down the hallway just to ask me not to tell. And what did I tell you? Hmmm?" Hoseok said, ending his story by padding Grey on the top of her head with a smile. "Your secret is safe with me, strawberry," Grey answered, laughing slightly at his over dramatically calmness, like he was portraying a character.

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