•Chapter One•

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*hey guys welcome to my new book! It's a sequel, so if you haven't read "he loves me... he loves me not" then I suggest doing so!!

Thanks for reading, love you snowflakes!!

•Chapter One: Operation Get-Elsa-Back•


"Jack. Jack? Jack!" I jump and see Hiccup's hand waving across my face.

"Sorry, dude." I continue eating my vanilla ice cream. I know, plain flavor, but I'm not really in the mood for chocolate.

"Day dreaming about Elsa again?" Eugene asks.

I sigh, not answering. Of course I'm thinking about Elsa again. I haven't stopped thinking about her since the dance almost a year ago.

"You really just need to forget about her, man." Kristoff finishes off his mint chocolate ice cream.

"I know. But I can't!" There's no way I'm going to be able to explain my problem to them; they won't get it; they all have perfectly happy relationships. With her best friends of all people!

Eugene nods as he licks his strawberry cheesecake ice cream. "I get it. It's like if Rapunzel decided to go out with someone else and never talk to me again."

Those two started dating a few weeks after the dance. They're adorable, but a little too adorable. It drives me crazy.

"Hey, don't brag about Rapunzel. You know he doesn't like it." Hiccup whispers.

I pretend I don't hear, and get up. "I'm gonna get a new cone, anyone else want one?"

They shake their heads, and I go to the counter.

"Vanilla." I order patiently.

After a moment, the counter guy hands me the ice cream. I turn sharply to head back to the table, but accidentally run into someone, spilling the ice cream all over.

The person gasps, staring down at their clothes that are now covered with vanilla ice cream.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I look at who it is.

Aren't I lucky, it's Elsa. With her boyfriend, Kuzco.

"Oh, it's fine.. I'll just grab some..." Elsa finally looks at me and instantly her face turns hard. I guess she still hates me; not that I blame her. It's only been 9 months since the bet, after all. "Oh. Hi, Jack."

A few things happened since school ended. One of them was Elsa and Kuzco started dating. I was pretty mad at first. Like, extremely jealous. At that time I was trying hard to convince her I wasn't playing games anymore.

But then I saw how happy she looked at Kuzco. I loved that smile of hers, the way her eyes lit up and sparkled. So I stopped. I knew I was just annoying her, and I wanted her to be happy. So I let her go. And I guess she is happy.

"I am so sorry Elsa!" I say, meaning it in more ways than one. "Let me grab some napkins, I'll help clean it up!"

"No, it's fine. I can clean it up; it's no big deal." Elsa nervously tries to slide past me.

"Oh come on Els, I'm just trying to help!" I plead, stepping back in her way.

Kuzco puts his arm around her protectively. "You heard the girl. Leave her alone."

"What, you got a body guard now?" I try to make it sound like a joke.

"Go away." Kuzco glares a warning. "Now."

"I think the girl can speak for herself." I don't think she believes I'm still playing games; it's been months. She must have something to say.

"Jack." Elsa whispers. She musters up some strength and speaks again. "Why, Jack? Your little games ended months ago. Why can't you just let go and leave me alone?"

Here I go again. "I've told you before, Els. It isn't a game. I really do like you, and I think really, really deep down you know that."

"And maybe really, really deep down, you know that I'm not trusting you ever again."

I'm almost at a loss for words, but you know me; I've always got a joke somewhere! "I think the ice cream is getting to your head. You being kinda cold!"

I teasingly grin, waiting for a response.

Elsa almost smiles, but stiffens up and rolls her eyes. "Very funny."

"Let's go." Kuzco drags Elsa away, leaving me again to waste in regret.

"You okay?" Hiccup asks when I get back.

"Yeah." I lie.

I walk home solemnly. I can't keep doing this. When I started that bet so long ago, I honestly didn't believe I would fall in love with her. And I definitely didn't think she would hate and leave me.

"Hey, Jack." Emma welcomes me in and I realize I'm in my house. "You okay?"

Yeah, my twelve year old sister has kinda been helping me with this. She knows how depressed I am, and she's pretty good at cheering me up. What can I say, I can't stay sad when I'm with kids!

"Not really, Em." I sigh.

Suddenly, Emma reaches up and slaps me. Ow!

"What was that for?!" I ask, waking up for real this time.

"Jack! You are my big brother. You are almost eighteen. You are going to college soon! You have a life! You need to stop this!"

"I know, Em. I just.... I can't let her go." I rub my cheek.

Emma pauses for a moment in thought.

"You know what, Jack? Then get her back!" She slaps me again, lightly. "What are you doing here sitting all depressed?! Go call your friends! Operation Get-Elsa-Back is on!"

I laugh, ruffling her hair. For some reason, I'm ready to actually do this. I guess I'm that desperate, eh?

I call Kristoff, Hiccup, and Eugene. "I need you to come to my house. Like. Now."

Once they get here, I see Merida and Rapunzel have joined the party. Not really a surprise, but I am a bit shocked to see Anna isn't here. Her and Kristoff also started dating a few months ago.

"So what's up?" Eugene asks, already starting to raid my fridge.

"I need your help." I glance uneasily at Merida and Rapunzel.

"It's okay. You can tell them." Hiccup smiles at them.

They know about the bet; though I don't know why everyone's told them. Oh well, maybe I could use someone on the 'inside'.

"Okay. Look, you all know I've been kinda depressed the last few months."

"Kinda?" Kristoff chuckles. "Kinda doesn't even begin to explain what you've been!"

I wave my hand to dismiss him. "Anyway, I've decided I'm trying again. I don't want Elsa to hate me anymore. I really like her. Probably even love her!"

They all nod in approval, with no shock in their expressions. I guess I'm pretty predictable, but I was expecting at least a little bit of surprise or detest...

"We all figured this was gonna come sooner or later." Eugene says through bites of burrito. "We're with you all the way, buddy."

They nod their heads again.

"We can help too!" Rapunzel squeals.

"Yeh. You used to be a big jerk, but I guess you've changed. Plus that Kuzco is annoying. We'll help you for sure!" Merida says.

Wow. I really do have the best friends ever. And, uh, awkward best friend's best friend and best friend's girlfriend.

I lean forward in thought. This is kind of exciting! "Alright; so what should I do?"

Rapunzel claps her hands together. "I've got an idea!"

Eugene slings his arm around her and joins our circle. "Let's get started."

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