•Chapter Five•

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•Chapter Five: Emma's Help•


It has been about a month since we started Plan B (aka operation secret admirer). I'm pretty sure it's almost over, just a few more things. I think Elsa likes it, so I hope it works.

Starting today, I am going to start seeing her. Like, I won't talk to her; that will just frustrate her. But every time I give her something I'll make sure to be there- just casually walking by or subtly standing amidst the crowd. On a completely unrelated note, I've also decided that I would make a great undercover cop.

"Are you ready for today's?" Emma asks. She's been really into this the whole time. Sometimes I feel like Emma's more excited about The Plan than I am.

"Yeah, it'll be pretty simple today." After getting her attention with really cool stuff, I decided to be a little more simple with the rest. After all, I don't want to creep her out and make her think I'm a stalker; I want to just make her know that I'm thinking about her; brighten her day a bit.

"Can I come?" Emma gives me her cutest begging face and I smile. There's no way I can say no to her. It's kind of unfair! But I need her help anyway.

"Of course you can, Em."

"Where are we going for today's?"

"Elsa should be working right now. Then with Kuzco during her break." I take a moment to show my disgust in her boyfriend. "Then figure skating after that. It's pretty much the same every day."

Before she can respond, my phone goes off. Hiccup's calling me. That's weird, shouldn't he be walking his giant evil dog right now?

"What's up?" I ask, answering the phone.

"I just thought you should know, Elsa's not at work. I was walking toothless past that one café and saw her there." Hiccup answers and I hear a few responsive barks from his dog.

"Oh. Okay. Thanks, bro. Anything else?"

"Actually, yeah. I need some advice, since you seem pretty great at this kind of stuff."

I hope he knows that my twelve year old sister has been doing most of this. "Uh, sure. What is it?"

Hiccup doesn't respond for a while. Probably trying to save someone from that crazy dog of his. Trust me; it's not fun to be on his bad side. Finally, he speaks. "Well, I uh, need some good conversation starters."

"Dude, you talk to people all the time. Let's be honest here, you've been hanging out with me since forever. You're always talking to people! Why do you need conversation starters?" I've been dragging him around to social events since we were kids. How does he not know what to say?

"It's just... Those people I can usually find a common interest with. This person has nothing in common with me!"

I think for a second. "Okay, what does she like?"

"How did you.... Never mind." This time, Hiccup doesn't hesitate. "Sports. And uh... Action."

"Anything else you know about Merida?" I ask, showing no surprise. I always pictured him liking some sweet, shy girl, but for some reason he likes Merida almost as much as I like Elsa.

There's no response, but I can practically hear him blushing on the other side. I guess he didn't think he was that obvious. Sorry, buddy, but you really are. I'm not really sure what advice I'm supposed to give him about her. To be honest, she scares me.

"Well. You know the code. Just be yourself. I mean, you guys are already friends, so it can't be that bad. And no doubt once you say something she can carry on the conversation herself. Talk about what she wants to talk about, try to understand her...." I try to think of all those dumb rules that no one really follows but they're there anyway.

"Thanks, Jack." Hiccup says. I can't tell if it's sarcastic or not.

"I've gotta go, but uh yeah. Good luck." I hang up and sigh. Hiccup and Merida; the only two in our group that haven't gotten together yet. I'm sure she honestly already knows.

After a few more minutes, Emma and I finally leave the house. Hopefully Elsa is still at the café because I don't know where else she would go.

"Faster, Jack, faster!" Emma yells.

"Em, I'm going as fast as I can." I say calmly, though I'm going crazy on the inside. "We're almost there."

"Hurry up! What if she's gone?"

"Chill! We're here." I chuckle as I pull into the parking lot. "I'm the one giving her the stuff, why are you freaking out?"

"I just don't want to miss her." Emma says sharply.

Thankfully, I see Elsa sitting on one of the corner booths. Kuzco's not with her, but someone is. He looks like a little kid, around Emma's age. Elsa's on the phone with someone and she looks kind of worried. Not Anna-going-out-with-Hans worried, but worried.

"So what's the plan, Jack?" Emma whispers.

"How about I hand it to the waitress and have her give it to Elsa?" I suggest.

"Wait a second, I think I know that guy she's with!" Emma gasps, watching the two closely.

"You do?"

"Yeah, remember the kid I told you about that's staying here for a few months? I think that's him."

"What's his name again?"

"Uh, I think it's Jamie." Emma looks at him. "Want me to go give it to her?"


Jack doesn't answer, so I snatch the little present and note and start walking towards them. Hopefully Elsa won't realize I'm Jack's sister. Not that she would know; I never got to meet her.

By the time I get to their table, Elsa is off the phone. She and Jamie both turn their attention to me.

"Hi, um, you're Jamie, right?" I try to break the ice, suddenly realizing how awkward this is.

Jamie shyly looks down. "Yeah."

"I'm Emma, I was in your class when you came here!" Jamie looks like he doesn't really want to talk, probably because Elsa is sitting right there. "A-anyway, some guy just asked me if I could bring this over to you."

Elsa smiles and takes the gift from my hands. "Oh, thank you."

"You're welcome!" I start to turn, but stop. "Um, see you later, Jamie."

He doesn't answer, he must be really shy, so I leave. That was fun! I don't head to Jack immediately because I'm sure Elsa's still watching me. Instead, I march into a large crowd.

"So, did you do it?" Jack asks as soon as I return.

"Yup! She looked really happy about it."

"Good. I think I'll be done in a few more weeks." Jack says thoughtfully. "Let's go home."

*Sorry for the short chapter, I couldn't really think of what to write! Hopefully it was okay!

Just so you know, Jamie is Elsa's twelve year old cousin.

Also, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! It's my favorite holiday so I hope you all have a fabulous Christmas!!!!!

Thanks for reading, comment what you think! Love you snowflakes!!!*

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