𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 & 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 [ᴊᴊᴋ ᴘᴏᴠ]

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"Jungkookie, when you meet your soulmate is the time when you will get its colour. But when they die, it'll only lose it once again."
That is the lesson we are all taught since we are very young. Us, who have not yet met our soulmates, only see black and white. While those who know who have discovered who their soulmates are live with colours until one of them die. I haven't met the person that will add the colour to my life, but I am eager to. We have a clock on our wrist since the moment we born, counts down the time we have till we meet eyes with our soulmates. The thing is, I was born without one. No doctors could ever figure out why, I was a mystery.

I could only look from afar as my friends talked about how little time they had until they met the person who was going to paint their lives in beautiful colours. Many thought it meant I was never going to love anybody, and that just made my life even more painful. I never got made fun of in my face, but the whispers were worse. They often said there was not anybody for me out there, that they should have finished my life when I was born, that I was just a simple mistake. Oh, and that hurt more than anything else. Though life often went against me, there were also good things. My friends who always had my back and my parents love me.

I wasn't ready for what was going to happen that day. One of the best moments of my life, all because of him. It was supposed to be a regular day, but I'm glad it wasn't. As soon as I walked in, the whispers started, but this time I wasn't the cause for them. The name ' Kim Taehyung' being chanted around in the hallways. As always, I ignored it and barely got to class on time. I walked in and sat at the back alone since no friends of mine were in this class. Until a breathtakingly gorgeous man walked in and sat next to me. He was new since he didn't know whoever came near me was to be made fun of behind their back.

"I don't think you want to seat next to me," I said, without looking into his eyes and putting my empty wrist to his view.

"I think you're the one I should sit next to." He responded calmly, his voice deep and calming.

He tapped me gently, making me turn around in slight annoyance that he wasn't listening to me. I saw an empty wrist. I was so shocked, there is someone else like me. I didn't try to stop myself as I raised my arm and moved his wrist out of the way, trying to look into his eyes. Everything changed at that moment, in the best way possible. Something exploded in his chest, seeing the chocolate-coloured eyes. The room was suddenly brighter, literally. He stared into the eyes of his soulmate, the one that filled his whole being with the most vibrant colors. Damn, it felt amazing to finally know there was someone there, someone like him. How it appeared that everything was staged, and they were meant to meet. Well, they were.

"Oh, umm, so I guess you're my soulmate? Uhh, my name is Jungkook" I said, wanting to slap myself for stuttering and wanting the burning in my face to stop.

"I-uh-guess so. It's nice to meet you, my name is Taehyung. God, I'm already in love with you." Taehyung told me confidently, he was so gorgeous, I could already feel the fondness growing in my chest for my soulmate.

I didn't notice the stares we were receiving until we turned around and saw the whole class- even the teacher- staring right at us, watching the whole interaction. My first instinct was to hide my face in Tae's chest quickly, not wanting to be seen at the moment. The burning in my face just got worse when he wrapped his arms around me. That's when I found out one of my favourite activities, cuddling with him, only him.
We grew older together. And died almost at the same time, car crash. It was the worst thing I ever experienced, I could feel as the colours started to leave my eyes until all I saw was darkness. Don't worry, we met again in heaven, and that was our happily ever after. Our love being our strongest fort, keeping us together through the judging eyes of those around us, the sadness of how the whispers only got louder around us, but we had each other, and it was all that mattered.

We left an amazing legacy behind, our children. We could see them cry, sitting in our graves, but we also saw as they found their ow soulmates that took care of them and filled them with colors. More and more of our people kept coming, Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin. It was sad to see them here, but how they met was amazing. There was only one recorded case of soulmates that had three people, we all made history. Being together was all that mattered.

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