Finally We Meet Again

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Next morning, I started hanging up posters that asked for unique people and daring acts for the show. I hammered one in as I smiled. “Hey! You looking for freaks? I know where you can find one of them.” A man said as I looked at him, not liking how he calls them freaks. “Really?” I asked as he handed me an address to the building. I stopped outside it to make sure I got it right then walked in, hearing a wonderful voice.

“Hello.” I nodded to some of the ladies. “Sir, shouldn’t be here.” One said as I looked at the lady in the back. “I’m sorry. Who’s doing that singing?” I asked as the lady looked at me, a towel covering half her face. “It’s you, isn’t it?” I asked and started walking over to her. “Sir, I’ll have to ask you to leave.” She said softly as I didn’t stop walking. “You are so talented, miss-” I cut myself off as I moved the towel to see the lady had a beard.

“Extraordinary.” I said softly as she seemed ashamed. “Unique. I would even say...beautiful.” I said softly as other ladies laughed at her while I looked over at them. “Sir, please leave me alone.” She said softly. I held out a flyer for her with a soft smile as she took it. “They don’t understand, but they will.” I said as she looked at me. I tipped my hat and walked to my


“Okay. Anne and W.D. Wheeler. Brother and sister?” I asked as two African Americans sat in front of me. “Yes, sir.” Anne said with a nod. “Terrific and what do you do?” I asked them. “Uh, trapeze.” Anne answered as I nodded. “Trapeze. Okay.” I said with interest. “You know, people aren’t gonna like it if you put us on the stage.” W.D said as I smiled. “Oh, I’m counting on it.” I said as the poster was made for them. They got up as the next sat down with tattoos on his face and covering his arms.

“Is this over your…” I trailed and gestured everywhere. “Entire body.” He confirmed. “I don’t need to see it.” I said as a poster was made for him. Another volunteer walked over as he was covered in hair. He howled and jumped on my desk as I laughed and held my hands up while he high-fived me. A poster was made for him as the next came over who was a quite large man who I shook hands with.

“May I just ask how heavy you are? Do you have a number for that?” I asked curious as he looked away. “I prefer not to say.” He said as I smiled. “Just between you and me.” I said and leaned my ear close to him. “500 pounds.” He whispered as I opened my mouth. “750 pounds? Is that what you said?” I asked as he laughed. “750 pounds. I am.” He said as he laughed at my reaction. A poster was made for him as the next was up. Holy moly he was tall. I had to stand on my chair then stand on my desk to be taller than him.

“What is your name?” I asked, holding a hand out. He told me his name which I couldn’t even pronounce. “Yeah, we gotta change that name. Uh, I think you’re Irish.” I said as a poster was made for him. After going through everyone, I was getting ready to make other posters when a figure in a familiar cloak walked over. “Are you Mr. Barnum?” The figure asked in a soft and sweet voice. “Yes, that’s me. What can I help you with?” I asked with a smile.

“I’m here for the auditions.” She said softly and handed me the flyer while I gently took it. I walked over to my desk. “What’s your name?” I asked as she kept the cloak on, making me curious as to what she looked like. “Lily Bennet, Mr. Barnum. But my friend, Anne, calls me Flower.” She said softly as I felt drawn to her. “What a beautiful name. I think I’ll stick with Lily. You’re talking about Anne Wheeler, aren’t you?” I asked and folded my hands on my desk. “Yes, sir. I was supposed to meet up with her here. I do trapeze with her and her brother.” She said as I nodded.

“May you take off your cloak?” I asked with curiosity. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, sir.” She said as I smiled a bit. “You’re okay. I’m not gonna do anything and I’m surely not gonna judge you for being different.” I said as she seemed to think. She slowly lifted her hand up and hesitated before pulling it down, her face looking down. She lifted her head up as the world seemed to stop while I stared at her in astonishment. It’s her. It’s the young girl with two skin colors who gave me the apple. “You’re her.” I said softly as she seemed to hear me. “I’m who, sir?” She asked as I stood up, causing her to stand up as I walked around my desk to stand in front of her.

“You gave me the apple.” I said as she looked up at me with confusion in her mixed color eyes before realizing what I was talking about. “You’re the little boy who was trying to get the bread?” She asked with a beautiful smile. “Yes!” I said happily. “Well, what a small world we live in.” She said as I chuckled softly.

This Is The Greatest Show (P.T. Barnum x OC!LilyBennet)Where stories live. Discover now