From Now On

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Phillip's POV

"Hey, thank you very much for coming! Tell your friends and neighbors! Who enjoyed themselves? You?" I asked a kid with a bright smile as we highfived. "Tell everyone how much fun you had at the circus! New acts every night!" I said happily as everyone left the building. Or so I thought. "Hey, Ringmaster!" Someone shouted as I saw some of the protesters on the bleachers. I walked over and stood in front of them.

"Gentlemen, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave." I said politely. "This is our town, son. We think you should leave. You and your freaks and your spooks." The leader said as I felt someone next to me and saw W.D. "Sir, I will only ask once more." I said politely again. "Then what, boy?" The leader asked as W.D. had enough and socked the guy in the jaw, causing a fight as the team came running out to help fight of the protesters. Lily and Penny were going over to meet P.T. at the train station.

Phineas's POV

I got off the train as Penny and Lily came over. "Phinny!" Penny yelled happily as I opened my arms with a bright smile. She ran into my arms as I gave her a big hug along with Lily and gave them a group hug. "You've grown so much. Stop it." I told Penny as she giggled and picked up my bag. I look at Lily and saw she had a fuzzy white cloak. "That's beautiful." I said with a smile and felt the soft fabric. "You like it? W.D. and Anne made it for me when I go out so I keep warm." She said as I smiled and hugged her tightly before spinning her happily, causing her to laugh.

"So what made you decide to come back earlier?" She asked as we started to walk to the circus. "Cause I missed you guys. I missed you." I said as I wrapped my arm around her. "That sounds an awful like Humbug." She said with a smile as I chuckled softly. The fire brigade suddenly sped by. "Hurry! Hurry!" Some of the police shouted, running by. "It's coming from the circus!" One said when he saw me. Lily and I looked in fear and ran with Penny to the circus to see it was all up in flames.

"Phillip! Phillip! Is everyone out? Is everyone okay?!" I asked as he was covered in soot. He nodded at I looked at O'Mally. "The animals! The animals!" I said as he looked at me. "They set them free! There's nothing more we can do!" He said as W.D. was checking on Penny and Lily as I assumed he didn't hear about them coming to meet me. "W.D., where's Anne?!" Phillip asked as W.D. stood up. Phillip took that as a sign and ran into the burning building. "No! Phillip!" I shouted as W.D. started to follow but I stopped him.

I had some firemen hold him back as Lily held Penny close. "W.D.!" We hear someone shout as Anne came running out. "There she is!" I shouted as he settled down and hugged her tightly after she tackled him into a hug. "Phillip! Phillip!" I called out and made a move to go in. "Phinny!" Penny said as Lily held her tightly. I looked at them. I could tell that Lily didn't want me going in, but she knows I'll do the right thing. I look them, possibly for the last time before running in.

I was all a blur before I hurried out with Phillip in my arms. I hurried over and knelt down, gently placing him on the ground. I checked for his pulse. "He's taken in a lot of smoke. He's still breathing." I informed the firemen as they placed him on a stretcher. I started coughing a fit, standing up. I hugged Penny as she gripped onto me tightly. I let go and wrapped both girls and held them close as we sadly watched the building slowly turn to ashes.


It the morning, I started helping sort through the ashes for anything we could keep. But everything was pretty much destroyed by the fire. I sighed softly and sat on the steps, coughing a little. I look up to see someone I didn't expect. Mr. Benum. "If you've come to gloat, I wouldn't." I warned him gently. "They caught the thugs who started the fire. I thought you'd like to know." He said, sweeping away ash before laying the newspaper down and sat on it beside me then pulled out a canister.

This Is The Greatest Show (P.T. Barnum x OC!LilyBennet)Where stories live. Discover now