Chapter 15

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So much happened in the span of a few days. The Katanashu were accused of attacking yokai after Kamaitachi got hurt. So they held a tournament where they'd fight against each others. If they won, they were innocent. Well, they won. 

Even though Madoka was confirmed to of been the one who attacked Kamaitachi, it didn't matter due to the conditions set. That didn't mean there was no consequences for them though. Kasane got demoted, Kamaitachi gave him a beating, Madoka and Hanabusa both lectured him.

The Kemonotsuki came by to the ramen stand ran by Kyuubi after Mizuchi had invited Shisei. But also Kasane learned that Uta once tried the same thing he did, but with Karasutengu. It didn't end well and he got in trouble for his actions. As well as Karasutengu giving him a beating for it. That explained why Uta always tried to avoid him.

Kamaitachi also eventually forgave Madoka for the attack and they were happy together again, the Katanashu returned his feelings after everything. He still never bothered to stop the weasel yokai and Onibi from sneaking by. There was no point of doing so. They'd just continue doing so anyways.

Though Aoi had set up traps with holy water to at least try and stop the two. They still managed to sneak by when he was distracted.

For Momiji though, he finally remembered everything during and after his fight with Ungaikyō. He even remembered Ungaikyō's true name, Tadaakira Inui. Better yet, he was fine interacting with the Katanashu now.

"Ungaikyō, will you come down?"

"..Why don't you just climb up here?" Ungaikyō said with a sigh.

Everyday after the festival, Momiji had been making him have rematch. He expected him to use his true name again to get him down. Instead he actually did climb up the tree and sat down with him. 

"We don't need to look at each others like enemies anymore right?" Momiji asked.

"..No..but it's not like we're friends though....."

"About that. I'm not sure when but I started having feelings toward you" Momiji confessed without hesitation.

"....How can you say that without hesitation? You're weird.." Ungaikyō replied, wrapping an arm around Momiji's waist.

"Because it's like Kyuubi-no-kitsune said, it's better to just confess. That doesn't mean I'm not a little nervous about if you feel the same or not"

"I guess we can give it a shot..But stop with the matches will you?"

"Every once in a while we will have matches. If you win I'll treat you to ramen"

Ungaikyō sighed, he didn't want to fight but if he got ramen, he'd think about it. He liked Momiji, but it'd take some adjusting for both of them after they been enemies for so long. Both wanted to make this work though. Hopefully he could break Momiji's habit of wanting to fight him.

"I wonder if anything else will happen after everything just just occurred"

"Who knows....We'll get through it together right..?"

"Yeah. Also I'm glad you're actually talking to me now. Anyways let's just relax, you're probably tired from all the fighting I've made you do"

" let's take a nap" 

Momiji leaned against Ungaikyō while the yokai leaned back against the tree. They were just glad to be together now.

Then he rememebered, he wasn't the only one to confess to someone today. After Hanabusa had apologized to Mizuchi at the station about everything, he also confessed to the former water god. Of course Mizuchi returned his feelings. He was happy for them as well, and he was sure the others would be happy for them once they found out he got together with Ungaikyō.

"Have a good nap Ungaikyō.." Momiji said, closing his eyes.

"Same to you, Fuuka.."

. . .

"I see you brought those three with you Shisei!" Mizuchi said, watching as the Kemonotsuki sat down.

"You brought someone else with you too" Shisei chuckled. He eyed the Katanashu up and down.

"This is Hanabusa, he has a reputation of being scary but he's actually nice. Also well, we're together.." Mizuchi said, blushing and rubbing the back of his head.

"A former water god and a human together? Never thought I'd hear that" Sana spoke up. 

He was the one making the ramen, while Azuma prepared to add spices and other things to their ramen. While they did that, Hokuto stayed by Shisei. They talked quietly about whatever came to mind. Like how Shisei felt being out of the grotto again, if he was excited about trying ramen, etc.

"My my, it's busy today for my ramen stand. I wonder if you'll become regular customers just like Uta" Kyuubi said, watching from his seat. It would be to crowded to stand inside the stand like he usually did.

"Why don't you make the ramen, don't you run this stand?"  Hokuto asked.

"And risk my tails getting dirty? You're all more than capable of making ramen yourselves. Just remember to pay or you'll be facing my wrath" Kyuubi said in a serious tone.

Again Shisei chuckled, he didn't plan on letting those three anger the kitsune. Once their ramen was made they began eating. Sana kept asking Hanabusa questions about the Katanashu and what they do. When they heard about how Onibi and Kamaitachi continously snuck into the human world, they couldn't help but wonder how they were never stopped.

"Half of the Katanashu is basically lazy and don't do their duties. But even with the other half trying to stop them, they still find a way" Kyuubi explained. "I don't particularly care as long as it doesn't cause me trouble or find out Onibi got harmed"

"He's still in his youth after all" Shisei smiled.

"Speaking of his youth, weren't there times he didn't like having to raise Onibi?" Mizuchi asked.

Kyuubi sighed, "I was still young myself back then, I didn't like having to eventually raise a child. But majority of the time I loved my little flame, especially now. He's grown up well"

Mizuchi laughed, patting Kyuubi on the head. The kitsune had done a wonderful job in raising Onibi. He never asked for the tiny flame to be born, but he didn't regret raising him. It was like a blessing for him to never be lonely again. 

For Shisei, his loneliness ended when he met the other Kemonotsuki. So they both had something they could relate to.

"At least everything can go back to being peaceful. But that doesn't mean something else can't happen" Hanabusa said. "But I'm sure we'll be ready"

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