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One week later

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One week later...........


Shin Yuna
Eonni, any of u still @ school?

Shin Ryujin
Nah, man. I walked home with
Beomgyu today.

Lee Chaeryeong
That's new, Ryu.

Shin Ryujin
I know...😪

Choi Julia
Why u askin mate?

Shin Yuna
I had to stay late today, and
Its rainingg I didnt bring an umbrella..

Hwang Yeji

Shin Yuna
What am i supposed to do??
I tried to find a taxi but its raining..

Lee Chaeryeong
Call an uber or smth..

Shin Yuna
I tried.. Hundreds of times!! No one is taking
My order!!

Choi Lia
Well goodluck!

Choi Lia went offline
Hwang Yeji went offline
Lee Chaeryeong went offline
Shin Ryujin went offline

Shin Yuna
Fuck you all😤
Shin Yuna went offline

"Ugh what am i supposed to do?" Yuna thought. "I guess I'll just walk in the rain.."

After walking for a little while, all her clothes were soaked, and she was shivering.

Suddenly, she couldn't feel the rain. She looked up to see...


"Dont do that you'll get sick." He said.

"Who are you to care about me?" Yuna asked.

"Does it even matter? Here have my umbrella." He sighed.

Yuna was about to protest, but Kai ran away. "Why did he do that?" Yuna thought "My house is just right along the corner, and his is so far away."

Yuna shrugged and walked home.

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Next day...
Yuna and Kai's homeroom teacher was checking attendance. "Jeon Somi?" "Here" "Shin Yuna?" "Here" "Kim Minjoo?" "Here!" "Yang Jeongin?" "Here" "Kai Kamal Huening?"

No response..

"I guess he is absent." The teacher sighed as he marked Kai's name as absent.

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Was it because he gave me his umbrella? Yuna thought.

She then decided to ask Taehyun.

"Tae!!" She exclaimed. Taehyun turned around, "Oh, Yuna?" He asked. "Mhm the one and only!" Yuna smiled.

"You are Chaeryeong's friend right?" He asked. "Yep she is my roomate!" Yuna said. "Oh speaking of roomates, you and Kai live kinda close right?" She asked.

"Why so interested in him? Perhaps you still have feelings for him?" Taehyun smirked.

"No its not what you think! Just tell me why he didnt come to school today!" Yuna groaned. "He caught a cold for walking in the rain yesterday." Taehyun answered.

Damnit I was right. Yuna thought. She doesn't know why but.. she suddenly felt bad and worried for Kai. Maybe because it's her fault that Kai get sick. Yeah. That's it. Definitely not love or attraction, right?

"Say, why does Chaeryeong not show any emotions?" Taehyun asked.

"Ah that! She does only to her closest friends. She has Alexithymia- wait Im not supposed to tell you! Thanks for your time Taehyun!! Bye!!" Yuna rushed out.

Shit I just told him Chae-eonni's secret!!

"Get your mind straight Yuna!" She told herself.

Yuna arrived home and made Seafood soup that she used to make Huening Kai back when they were dating.

She packed the food in a small bundle and went to Kai's house. She knocked the door, as a miserable looking Kai opened it.

"Oh Yuna- What brings you here?" Kai asked surprised by the visit.

"I heard you are sick, so I made you this.." she said.

"Come in.." Kai said weakly.

Yuna settled the soup on Kai's counter. Kai sat down and opened the container.

Kai clapped in delight when seeing the soup. He haven't had Yuna's seafood soup since they broke up.

Yuna smiled, "Eat up, kid!".

Yuna was about to leave when-"No, you stay here!" Kai whined.

"Why? I have things to do." Yuna rolled her eyes.

"Hey if I didnt give you the umbrella, you would've gotten the cold!" Kai pouted.

"You have a point.. Fine." Yuna sighed as she sat down next to Kai. Kai grinned before starting to eat.

Yuna's stomach rumbled smeling he delicious soup. Kai noticed this and giggled "Have some!"

"No its fine.." Yuna said.

Honestly, Yuna still loved Kai. And misses him. Same goes for Kai.

Yuna waited awhile before asking,

"Kai.. why did you cheat on me?"

 why did you cheat on me?"

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