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Yuna POV"Yunaaaa" Kai called out

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Yuna POV
"Yunaaaa" Kai called out. I looked at him "yes?"i asked, enjoying my ice cream and clearly want no disturbance right now. But it's Kai so that's an Exception.

Yeah, Kai took me to the park and got me ice cream. Same like last time. The same place where he bumped into me years ago. That was when our fairytale started. Only to be disturbed by a villain named Jung Naeun. But in fairytales, the two protagonists will end up together. But in my fairytale, will we?

I was very happy since I loved ice cream. My mouth was messy so Kai cleaned it with his thumb. "You're a messy eater." He giggled. I pouted, "hush! Dont expose me like that you banana peal!" i retorted, bringing back that nickname.

"Stoooopppppp!! Im not a banana peal!" Kai whined. "Sh! Let me enjoy my ice cream!" I snapped jokingly.

"Yuna." He said sternly. "Yeeess?" I replied, still happily licking my ice cream.

"I think I like you.. again.. wait no.. i never stopped loving you. I've always wanted MY yuna back" he mumbled, emphasizing the 'my'.

I dropped my ice cream. This scene seems familiar. Oh right! This is similar to the first time we met.

"Really???" I asked hopefully. He nodded and I hugged him. "I love you too Kaii!!" I exclaimed in joy. I hugged him and he hugged me back.

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Unknown PoV
What?! No! I cannot let this happen!

I ran into my apartment and locked the door.
How will I prevent this from happening?

I scribbled up on my notebook and I came up with the PERFECT plan! I will do the first step next week. Oh shin yuna.. you dont know whats coming for you. Huening kai is mine, and i dont share.

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