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Yuna PoVI woke up in a very dark room

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Yuna PoV
I woke up in a very dark room. "Finally. You are awake.." a voice said. "We have been waiting." Another said.

Those two voices sound awfully familiar. "Let me go!!" Yuna telled. I tried to stand, but I was tied on a chair.

"Nah ah missy. You are staying right here!" One said as she walked closer. SOMI!! No way!
She's one of my closest friends! How can she do this to me??

"Somi, let's leave her. DONT GO ANYWHERE!!" The other yelled. "If you are somi, then you're... MINJOO?!" I gasped.

"Thats right, Yu!" Minjoo said as she puts a gag on my mouth. Then her and Somi left.

I stood there in the dark room, as tears falls down my eyes. Im Alone. No one is with me. No Kai. No eonnis, No oppas. Just me, and the people I used to trust as my best friends, and now they backstab me.

How can my life become like this? What have i done to deserve this? I kept asking myself.

Luckily, I didn't panic. I took a deep breath.

My hands were tied by ductape. I remembered seeing a hack in YouTube.

Ductape is a very weak object when its ripped in half, but very strong when its stretched.

After a couple of tries, i finally managed to take the ductape off my hands.

After that, I managed to remove my gag and untied myself. I ran towards the door. Locked.

I can hear voices in the distance.

"Please!! We did what you ask for!! Let us go!" I know that voice! It's Somi's!"

"Please! We cannot keep doing this! Shes our bestfriend!" Minjoo sobbed.

"BEST FRIEND, HUH? MY FIST IS YOUR BEST FRIEND!!" The unfamiliar voice yelled. I assume its their boss. The person behind all this. I heard a punch and Minjoo groaning in pain.

"Minjoo!! Are you okay?!" Somi sobbed.

I was drowning in my thoughts, before..

"Well well well.. Look what we have here.. Do you really think its that easy to get away from me?"

2 buff men held me from behind, and the girl with the mask which I assume is the boss, took out a mask out of a ziplock bag, and pressed it against my mouth and nose. I let out muffled screams.

Then... everything went black.

 everything went black

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