Chapter 2: We're Back

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    I got up from the bodies and my brother and poked my head through the porthole, seeing everyone crammed on the main floor, all facing the door, where a blinding light filtered through as it slowly creaked it's way open. I pulled my head back with a gasp of surprise.  Finns head flew up.
    "Are you okay?" I looked back at him with an excited glance.
    "They are opening the do-." 

    "WE BACK, BITCHES!" I heard Octavia's familiar yell, and then everyone else's as the rushed out into the open space of Earth. I saw Clarke hanging back with another boy in a guard uniform. His frame almost looked familiar to me, but I just couldn't place him.  Finn rushed over beside me and look down as well.  He pulled back and gave me a huge smile.
    "We're home." He said happily, as he slid down the ladder. I smiled to myself and went back to the bodies. I dragged them both to the opening and tried to maneuver them down the hatch, when I heard Wells' voice beneath me. 
   "Shayla, you have to take a break and come see this." I looked over my shoulder down at him and saw a look of pure happiness and a little bit of mischievousness in there too. 
    "Wells, what's going on? Earth isn't going anywhere, and neither am I, so it can wait until we honor the dead, or at least bury them." I refocused on what I was doing and managed to get one of the bodies down and onto the floor as gently as I could. I started to climb up for the other one, Wells grabbed my arm and dragged me to the entrance. 
    "This is something you need to see, NOW." He said in all seriousness.  I looked up at him with a mock glare, and heat crept up his cheeks. 
    "Wells, you better tell me what's so important that I have to come here right away." His eyes widened as he shook his head and pointed outside. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked to where he gestured and I gasped at the beauty before me.  Trees so tall, they looked like they went on forever. Grass so green it almost looked unreal. Everyone was scattered around, exploring the area. 
    "Wow. Now I understand why you needed me so much." I said in awe as I looked around every which way.  I looked back at Wells with a big smile and saw a hint of a smirk on his lips.
    "That's not the only thing I wanted you to see." He took my chin in his hand and moved my face in the direction of the boy dressed in the guard uniform. His side was turned to me and he was talking to Octavia, but I knew instantly who he was. My knees almost fell out from under me in utter shock, and Wells kept his hand on my shoulder to steady me. "I take it you know who that is then?" He said, grinning slyly at me. I looked back at him, and that's when I felt the tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. 
    "I- I never thought I would see him again." I said softly, so that my voice wouldn't crack in front of him. Wells' arms wrapped around me and I hugged him back, hard. 
    "Ack, lungs. Can't. Breathe." He croaked out. I took a step back and looked up into his face eagerly. He smiled warmly at me. "Go see him. I'll take care of the bodies." I hugged Wells once more and headed down the ramp to the ground. I took a step towards him and my heart and mind raced. I ignored the thoughts running around in my mind and walked toward him slowly. I was about 2 yards away now, and I saw Octavia glance over at me with a smile, said a few words and stepped away. He slowly turned to face me and his eyes widened and his face went slightly pale.  "Bellamy?" I managed to get his name past my tight throat. I let the tears fall and I darted to his open arms.


    It was so crowded on the main floor of the ship. Everyone pushing and shoving, and so much yelling.  I managed to make my way to the door. I had my hand on the handle, ready to pull, when I heard someone yelling directly at me. "Stop!'' I looked over at a blonde headed girl making her way down the ladder. She stormed right up to me. "Don't open that door! The air could be toxic!" I looked her up and down. She looked like one of the girls Shayla always hung out with. I felt a pang in my chest when I thought of her, but I shook it away, for now.  I stared her down.
    "If the air is toxic, we are all going to die anyway." I said to her. I turned back to the lever, when I heard someone call my name. 
    I turned slowly, knowing without looking who it was. I saw her coming down the ladder, her brown head making her way through the crowd to me.
    "It's the girl under the floor." I heard someone whisper. I ignored it and watched as she came to a stop in front of me. 
    "My gosh, look at how big you are." I smiled, my voice low and loving. She smiled and wrapped her arms tightly around my neck. I missed her so much. She pulled back after a minute, and her smile disappeared once she saw.
    "What the hell are you wearing? A guards uniform?" I glanced down at my clothes, then back up at her.
    "I borrowed it to get on the dropship." She still stared at me with displeasure. I shot her a half smile. "Someone's got to keep an eye on you." She smiled slightly and hugged me again, and I let out a soft chuckle. The blonde girl was still watching, and she stared at me when she spoke.
    "Where's your wristband?"  I opened my mouth to reply, but O beat me to it. She whirled around to face the girl.
    "Sorry Clarke, but do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in a year."  I knew the girl looked familiar. Clarke Griffin, Octavia and Shayla's friend. I for one never was very fond of her. But I managed to get through the times they spent together in our cabin.
    "No one has a brother." Someone yelled from the back. Octavia turned toward his voice. Another voice rang out.
    "That's Octavia Blake, the girl they found hidden in the floor."  A look of pure rage overtook my sister face, and she lunged forward to try and get to that person.
    "Octavia. Octavia, no." I held her writhing form back tightly. She stopped and glanced at me. "Let's give them something else to remember you by." She pushed away from me.
    "Yea like what?" Her sarcasm was one of the things I missed most. I smiled at her and spoke in a low tone.
    "Like being the first person on the ground in a hundred years." 
    A huge smile came on her face and she turned to face the door. I placed my hand on the lever and pulled. The door whooshed open in front of us. I watched with a smile as my sister slowly walked out. She took a deep breath of the fresh air and cautiously made her way out to the edge of the ramp. She hopped off the edge and screamed, "We're back bitches!" As loudly as she possibly could. Then there was a lot of cheers as everyone raced outside to explore our new home. I ran down to Octavia, my hand on her back as we shared giant grins back at each other.
    "Bell, pinch me, I think I'm dreaming." She giggled and wrapped her arm around my waist. I missed seeing her this happy. Octavia stepped back to say something, but I saw her glance back at the dropship and smile.  "I think I will leave you two alone for a minute." I shot her a confused look, but then I heard a sound I thought I would never hear again. Her voice. 
    "Bellamy?"  I turned around slowly, hoping, praying, that this was not a dream. And then I saw her. Her shining brown hair. Her gorgeous green eyes. That beautiful face is one I have been waiting to see for almost a year.  My mouth opened and closed and I'm positive I looked like and idiot, but no words would come out of my tight throat. I opened my arms to her and she let out a sob and ran right into me. We held onto each other for such a long time, it felt like all that lost time just disappeared in this one moment.
    She pulled away, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I- I thought I'd never see you again." She choked out. "Or if I did, you'd be with someone else." I reached up and cupped her face in my hands. She nestled closer in my grip and let out a happy sigh.
    "I love you with everything that's in me. I would have waited forever just to have one more moment with you." Her lips quivered a little and I tilted her head up and brushed my lips against hers. She kissed me back and ran her hands up my chest and wrapped them around my neck.
    "I've missed you so much, Bellamy." She said softly, before kissing me again.
    "I missed you more." I whispered back and I knew in that moment, that I was never going to let her go. Ever again. 

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