Chapter Eleven: Trouble Healing

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    It had been a few days since getting Jasper back, but he was no better. In fact, it seemed like he was only getting worse. Out in the clearing we had set up more of an actual sleeping area, making makeshift tents from tarps and sticks. Bellamy and I were huddled close together, trying to keep warm, when Jasper's moan floated through the air. After a few days of bearing with it, it was quite annoying to some people. There were people complaining and telling Clarke to just let him die already. I wasn't annoyed, just sad.
    "That's it." I said, untangling myself from Bellamy's arms and legs. I tried to be quiet and careful not to wake him, but failed. His eyelids fluttered open and was staring at me with a sleepy look on his face.
    "What's goin' on?" He said drowsily. I reached over and gently stroked his cheek with the back of my hand.
    "Nothing hon, I'm just going to talk to Clarke for a little bit. You go back to sleep, you need it." I said softly. Nodding, he closed his eyes and his head dropped back onto the pillow of moss. Kissing his cheek, I tugged my clothes on and climbed out of our tent. I tried to move my left shoulder a little, hoping to get rid of the tightness there. Having a healing dislocated shoulder sucks. I winced, feeling every little stretch of pain. At least I can move it more, thank goodness. Looking around, I saw multiple people covering their ears, trying to block out the sound of moaning.
    I shook my head. "I can't believe you people." I said, a little louder than necessary. "What if that was you in there? Or your brother, or sister, or a friend of yours? Would you say to kill them then?" I got a few guilty and blank stares. "I know it's annoying, but soon enough, he'll be better and everything will go back to normal. So deal with it a little longer. If you have any more complaints, come talk to me." I said, and then maneuvered my way through the crowd to the dropship. I climbed up the ladder and stood staring at Jasper. Monty was in a corner working on contacting the Ark using the wristbands. "Any luck?" I asked, crouching down beside him.
    "Not really. Every time we take one off, it dies instantly. No power. No contact." He said, dropping his tools in frustration.
    "Hey, I'm sure you'll figure it out. You're smart. You got this." I said, rubbing his shoulder. He gave me a small smile before turning back to work. I wandered over to Jasper and sat down beside him. "Hey, by the way, where's Clarke at?"
    "She went to go grab some fresh water for Jasper. She should be back soon." He replied, distracted already.
    "Gotcha." I turned back to Jasper. "I promise you'll be just fine. I'll make sure of it. No one will hurt you again." I whispered, dabbing the sweat away from his forehead with a damp cloth. A few moments later I heard someone climbing up the ladder and turned to see Clarke's head rise up through the porthole.
    "Hey, Shayla. What are you doing up this late?" She asked, sitting down beside me.
    "I couldn't sleep very well. And I heard a lot of people complaining about Jasper." I handed the cloth over to Clarke, who dropped it in the fresh water to let it soak.
    "Are you still having nightmares?" She asked.
    "In a way, I guess. They're different from the past ones. Just a little bit worse."
    "Do you want to talk about it?" Clarke reached over and placed her hand on my shoulder comfortingly. I put my hand on top of hers and gave it a squeeze.
    "Maybe next time. I'm gonna go try and sleep. Thanks though." She nodded, pulling her hand back as I stood up.
    "I'll see you in the morning, then." She said, taking the cloth to Jasper's forehead again. I slid down the ladder and walked out into the night air. Taking a deep breath, I walked toward the tent. Slipping back inside, I watched Bellamy for a little while as I got undressed. He looked so peaceful. He's been under so much stress the last few days, keeping the camp and its people in order.
    Snuggling back under the covers beside him, I stared at his face. I smiled as his arm wrapped around me. "I knew you weren't asleep." I whispered. His left eye popped open and he gave me a sleepy grin.
    "I wanted to wait for you to come back to me." He said groggily. I reached out to cradle his cheek in my hand.   
    "Well, I'm back now, so you can go back to sleep."
    "Are you going to sleep too?" He asked me, his eye already shut.
    "Of course." I said, settling deeper into his bare chest. His body warmth spread over me like a blanket and soon I found myself asleep.

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