Chapter Nineteen: The Storm

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    I was listening to the music of the party leaned against Bellamy's side and fingering the locket he got me for an early birthday gift. The music changed to my favorite slow song and I grinned, swaying to the beat, until Bellamy offered his hand to me.
    "Wanna dance?" He asked, bowing slightly at the waist. I bowed back to him and took his hand. He led me close to where Octavia was dancing with a guy I didn't recognize. I leaned into Bell's chest and wrapped my arms around his neck and he kept his hands on my waist. I fit perfectly into his arms and sighed contentedly. I looked up at him and saw his eyes trained on me, occasionally flicking to his sister. He smiled and kissed my forehead. "I don't think I've told you how much I love you, Shays." He said softly. I stared up at him.
    "You don't need to. I know you love me." I responded.
    "But I want you to know that I do. I love you so much. I didn't think I could love someone like that. I want to be with you forever, if you'll have me." He whispered, nuzzling my hair with his nose. I felt shocked. No one's ever said that to me before. Could he really mean it? I thought nervously. I pulled my head back and looked up at him.
    "Are you serious?" I asked. He watched my face and laughed, seeing the confused look on my face.
    "Of course I'm serious! I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't. I can't picture my future without you in it, and if I could, it probably looks shitty. I love you to the ends of the Earth, and I would do anything to keep you with me." He told me, smiling earnestly. "I want you."
    "I want you, too." I agreed. "I love you so much, Bellamy Blake. And I always will." I said, placing my hands on his face and kissing him fiercely. He returned my kiss and brought his hands up to my back, pulling me close. I felt so safe in his arms, and I knew I never wanted to leave him.
    Suddenly, the music stopped and the lights became bright again. A solar flare alarm was going off, telling everyone to get to the safety zones. Bellamy and I let go of each other and scanned the crowd, looking for Octavia.
    "There she is!" I pointed out, taking his hand and twisting through the crowd to reach her. I grabbed her arm and she spun around, fear in her eyes, then relaxed when she saw it was us. Bellamy let go of my hand at took his sister's and lead her down the hall towards their apartment. I was trailing behind. There was a guard in the middle of the hallway, and Bellamy stopped, turned around, and went a different way. I heard Octavia panting beside us, fear overwhelming her features.
    "Bell, I have to get home." She hissed, scared.
    "You'll be fine, we'll figure something out." I whispered to her. The head guard came in the doorway we had tried to escape from the first time.
    "Ladies and gentlemen. You know the drill. Masks off and I.D chips out." He stated, his hands folded behind his back. Terror filled Octavia's face and she moved faster toward the hallway. Almost there, almost there. Please get us out. I prayed over and over again. We were at the doorway, when one of the guards stopped us. My heart dropped to my stomach and knew we weren't getting out of this easily.
    "Cadet Blake, where are you going with this girl?" He asked, whipping his hand up to pull Octavia's mask down.
    "Well, sir, I already scanned her so she's-"
    "You don't have a scanner. I.D please." He ordered, looking at Octavia. I saw the raw fear in her and Bell's eyes and knew I had to do something. I grabbed his arm.
    "Run." I whispered, lunging forward, I shoved the guard's head into the wall, hearing a sick crunch as his skull smashed against the corner. A few other guards came over, their shock-sticks out and pointed at me. I tightened my fists and dodged, punched, and fought back hard. All I saw was red, and kept thinking about Octavia. I wouldn't let her or her mother get floated. Not if I could help it. After a few more guards were downed, that's when I felt the electric burn of a shock-stick against my side. I shrieked in pain and fell to the floor, my body jerking about uncontrollably as the electricity raced through my body. I struggled to stay conscious, and was fully aware of the cold handcuffs being slapped on my wrists. Through the cloud of pain, I watched in horror as Octavia was caught and taken away. I saw Bellamy standing aside, watching as his sister was taken away, then turned to me, his face angry as he watched my mistreatment. I guess I deserved it though.
    "Shayla Collins, you are under arrest for the murder of one guard and the assault of ten other guards. Being as you are only sixteen, you will not be tried until you turn eighteen." The guard said, roughly yanking me to my feet. My head rolled a little and I looked at Bellamy, who was struggling his way towards me, but with no avail. The head guard grabbed him and threw his back against a wall, yelling words that were muffled to my ears as they dragged me away. I heard Bellamy yell my name as I slipped into a painful darkness.
    I awoke to someone shaking my shoulder and I lifted my head, a stiffening pain in my leg causing me to be fully awake. I forced myself to open my eyes, which were heavy with sleep I hadn't had. I glanced to my right and saw Finn looking at me.
    "You were out like a light, Shayla. There was no fog, so we need to get moving." He said, turning around in the flattened tent we were in. I heard the swish of a zipper and felt Finn's presence disappear. I backed out after him and slowly stood up, testing my right leg, which I had pulled while I was running a while ago.
    "How long was I asleep?" I asked, watching the rest of our group struggle with folding the tent up.
    "Just for about as long as we were in the tent, so about a five minutes." Bellamy replied, cupping my cheek in his hand. I smiled gently, still feeling exhausted from my lack of sleep the past two days. I groaned.
    "Why didn't you keep me awake?" I asked him, poking him in the solar plexus. He feigned a look of hurt and gave me a half smile.
    "Because we didn't know either. And you were so tired." He told me, rubbing his chest.
    "Well, we have to find Octavia! Who knows what they're doing to her!" I said frantically, feeling worry worm it's way up my throat.
    "Maybe it was a false alarm or something." Finn stated. Glancing around. He did a double take in one direction and his face blanched. "They're coming back!" He exclaimed quietly. We all crouched at his warning and I looked to see only one grounder, and he wasn't even running at us.
    "He looks like he's alone." I whispered.
    "He doesn't see us, either. We have to go after him!" Bellamy said, starting after the grounder. Finn grabbed his arm to stop him.
    "To do what? Kill him?" My brother asked.
    "No. Catch him, make him tell me where Octavia is, then kill him." He told him, yanking free and walking away.
    "How do we know he's not leading us into another trap?" Jasper asked.
    "We don't. We can only pray that he's not." I said, following after Bellamy.
    A few minutes later, we were at what looked like an underground cave. The grounder didn't hesitate and disappeared inside. We waited for a few seconds before following him. It was dark and murky and there was barely enough light, but just enough to see with. We heard grunting and something hit the floor and we picked up our pace. The tunnel led out into a bigger area, some sort of living quarters. On the ground, the grounder laid unconscious, and we saw Octavia with her back turned to us struggling at the chains holding her.
    "Octavia?" Bellamy asked, and I could hear the relief in his voice. His sister turned and grinned wildly.
    "Bell! Shayla! You found me!" She cried out happily. Bellamy dropped to his knees beside her and I watched as she handed him a key and he undid her bonds. She leapt into his arms and he stood, keeping his arms tight around her. "How did you find me?" She asked, coming around to hug me. I sighed and accepted the hug. I heard Bellamy direct Monroe, another girl that was in our group to watch the entrance. Octavia let go of me and went to Jasper.
    "We followed this guy." I said, pointing down at the grounder at our feet. Finn went to crouch down at the man's side and look him over.
    "We have to go, before he wakes up!" Octavia said urgently.
    "He's not gonna wake up." Bellamy stated, his voice hard. He went to the nearby wall and grabbed a spear resting against it. "Finn, move." He ordered.
    "Bellamy, no! He didn't hurt me!" Octavia shouted. I heard my brother say something, but it was muffled by his grunt of pain as he fell back away from the grounder. He had woken up and as I looked down at my brother, I saw a knife in his side. "Stop! That's my brother!" Octavia shrieked and I looked back up, seeing Bellamy on the ground, the spear hovering just above his throat. I uttered a yell and tackled the man off of Bellamy, sending him crashing into the wall and knocking the spear from his hands. I punched him hard in the face and this time, I made sure he was out. I got up and darted to Finn who was laying in front of Octavia, looking down at the knife in his body.
    "Finn? Finn, stay with me, okay? You're gonna be just fine, we'll get you back to Clarke and she'll fix you!" I said, draping my arm around his shoulders. "Jasper, help me with him!" I demanded, struggling to stand up with him.
    "I got him. You guys tie him up and we'll go back." Bellamy said, nodding to the grounder as he maneuvered Finn into his arms and picked him up. I felt a tear slide from my eye and I brushed it away. Grabbing the chain he used for Octavia I strapped that to the grounder's wrists. Taking the key, I shoved it in my jacket pocket and zipped it up. I raced through the tunnel after Bellamy, praying we would make it back to camp in time.

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