Chapter Twenty: Painful Storms

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    I was fingering a small knife I had found in the pocket of our captive. A commotion made me look up to see the grounder wide awake and struggling at his bonds. "Tie him up tight! We don't want him getting free because of your mistake." I stated, watching the two other young men work at keeping the grounder still. He stopped moving and stared at something behind me. I turned around and saw Octavia standing behind me, walking into the light. "Octavia, get out of here." I turned to her, glowering.
    "I told you he was protecting me. You didn't need to do this." She said softly, gesturing to her captor.
    "This isn't just about you. I'm doing this for all of us." I stated.
    "You did that for all of us?" She said, motioning to his bloody, cut up face. I shrugged.
    "So I gave him a few bruises, so what? He stabbed Finn. His people speared Jasper and killed Diggs, Roma and John." I felt my anger start to rise up again.
    "That was his people!" She said, her eyes staring at me pleadingly.
    "Well, either way, we need to know what we're up against, how many there are, and why they're killing us. And we're gonna find out now. Miller get her out of here." I said, stepping forward as the young man to my left moved toward Octavia to have her go down the ladder.
     "Get off of me, idiots!" She shouted, and I could feel her glare on my back. "I don't even think he speaks or understands English. So good luck." She growled, and I heard her footsteps heavy on the ladder rungs. 
    "I'll make you understand." I said, staring this man in the eye. All of a sudden the dropshop shook violently, and things around the room went flying and I heard screams from downstairs. It stopped as quickly as it came and I made my way to the porthole, opening the door and I shouted down, "Everyone alright?" I heard confused grumbles and answers, but not from the voice I wanted to hear from. I was about to call her name, but then heard her response.
    "We're fine! We managed to get the knife out!" Shayla appeared at the foot of the ladder and grinned up at me, still soaking wet, but the relief on her face lifted my lips to smile back at her. "How's the interrogation going?" She asked. I shook my head.
    "Just about to get started." I responded. She nodded.
    "Try not to kill him, okay?" She asked me lightly. I scowled, and at my look, her eyes went hard. "I can make some things happen that you won't like if you do." She stated faintly, and I nodded. She smiled and went back to work with Clarke and Raven. I sighed and closed the hatch. Miller was moving the lanterns back upright and moved a box to sit on while he rifled through our captives' belongings. I went back to the grounder.
    "So what's your name?" No response. "Where's your camp?" Nothing. "How many of you are there?"
    "Bellamy, look at this." Miller called to me. I went to him and crouched down, looking at the small box of bottles in his hand. "What do you think this stuff is?"
    "Not a clue. Hell knows with these guys." I declared, glancing at the grounder, who was watching us intently.
    I picked up a small, leather bound book and the grounders' eyes widened and he pulled at his restraints. I gave him a wicked smile. "I think we've found something he doesn't want us to see, don't you think?" I asked, opening the book to reveal drawings. Surprisingly good drawings. "These are pretty good." I said, turning the time-worn pages. Each drawing was better than the last, until I got to a girls face. One I recognized instantly. Octavia. I looked up at the grounder and saw his eyes trained on the page. I flipped it quickly and saw a drawing of our camp. The page opposite was filled with tick marks. Ten were crossed out. 
    "I bet if we counted all of these, there would be 102. Ten crossed out to mark our dead." I stood up and went over to our hostage. "They've been watching us since we landed." A few more page flips and we came to a picture of an odd looking creature. It had a human body, but was covered in long hairs. "One of your pals, I assume?" I asked, showing him the picture. The grounder averted his view and looked toward the now opening hatch. I turned and watched Clarke's blonde head poke up through the hole. The second guy, Drew, stepped forward and blocked her path. Clarke gave him an annoyed look.
    "Get the hell out of my way." She stated coldly. 
    "Let her through, she's fine." I said. Clarke moved around Drew and came to stand in front of me, looking the grounder over, her eyes wide. 
    "Well, if he didn't hate us before, he sure as hell does now." She said.
    "Who cares?" I asked, taking her away from prying ears. "How's Finn?"
    "Alive. His-"
    "And Shayla?" I asked, concerned for her as well.
    "She'll probably have a cold in a few hours, but other than that, she's just worried about her brother." She rolled her eyes. "Anyway, this guys people will care. Let me ask you this. How long until his people figure out where he is, and what happens when they do? What are you gonna do when they come looking for him? And they definitely will, Bellamy." She asked me.
    "Relax, Blondie. No one saw us take him. He was chained in that cave the whole time and thanks to this storm we didn't see anyone on the way back. So there's no way anyone saw us. In case you forgot, his people are already killing us." I announced, showing her the tally marks in the book. I heard her sharp intake of breath and knew I had gotten through to her. "How many more of our people need to die for you to get the fact that we're fighting a war?" I asked her. She slammed the book shut and looked away.
    "We're not soldiers, Bellamy. Look at him." She said, nodding toward the grounder. "We can't beat them if they all look like that." She said. I had already taken in his bulky, muscular figure with regret.
    "I know that, trust me. We can't if we don't fight back." This girl is as stubborn as Shayla. No wonder they're friends. I thought. 
    "Clarke! Finn's seizing!" I heard Shayla's frantic shout. Clarke whirled around and raced down the ladder. I kicked the hatch door closed after her and turned back to the grounder. 

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