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    I was back at the dropship, watching my last fight, but this time, I was outside my own body. I was standing nearby the wall, watching as Finn lunged out from behind the dirt bag wall and into the grounder attacking me and Bellamy. Clarke was screaming at him, her face contorted with a fear I'd never seen. I turned my eyes back to Bellamy, who was getting up, glanced at my body and jumped into the fray of fighting with Finn.
    I looked back over at myself and saw the scared look on my face as I watched them tussle on the ground. I saw the grounder running up behind my body, and when Clarke screamed at me, both Bellamy and Finn turned to look, horrified looks on their faces as I was stabbed. I continued to watched, kicking myself for not paying more attention to my surroundings and allowing that to happen.
    "Shayla." I heard a male voice call from behind me. A voice I didn't think I'd hear again. I whirled around, forgetting about the battle replay behind me and gasped.
    "Wells," I whispered, seeing my best friend standing there, a smile on his face. "You look good." I said, taking in his shining dark skin, and his glimmering brown eyes. He ran his hand over his hair and chuckled.
    "Thanks. I guess being dead makes you look more angelic," I chuckled and took a small step forward, tentatively holding my arms out to him. "Get over here." He closed the gap in between us and hugged me hard. I held him tightly, never wanting to let go.
    "Am I dead? Is that why you're here? Are you gonna take me with you?" I asked in one breath. I wanted to ask about Bellamy, but I knew that since I'm dead, I'd get to see him in time. Wells let go of me and stood back, scanning me with his eyes.
    "It's not your time yet, Shorty. I'm just here because you needed to hear something," He stated. I blinked and motioned for him to continue. "You need to fight, Shayla. And you can't stop. No matter how much you want to give up, keep fighting! Because there are people who need you." He grinned and I almost started to cry.
    "Wells, I miss you so much, I don't know how I can do this without you." I choked out. He placed his hands on my shoulders and squeezed. I noticed how his form was fading with regret.
    "Shayla, I'm always with you. I've been watching over you from day one, and I'm so proud of you." He said wistfully. His voice was slowly becoming an echo as he faded away. "I love you so much." Smiling, he disappeared and I was left alone. When I turned around again, the fight scene was gone and replaced with a bright white light. Curiosity got the better of me and I started walking towards it.
    My eyes flickered open and I squinted at the glaring white light staring mercilessly down at me. I groaned and touched at my throbbing abdomen, feeling unfamiliar fabric covering my body. I pushed myself up onto my elbows and looked down at the white dressing gown I was in. I sat all the way up, crossing my legs beneath me and pulled the dress up, looking at my stomach. The sword wound had been cleaned and stitched up neatly. There was no sign of blood on my body anywhere. I glanced around the room and my eyes widened. Everything was a painful color of white. The walls, the floor, the bed I was laying in, the lights. Everything except the painting on the wall.
    I swung my legs over the side and gasped when I placed my feet on the floor, jerking away from the coldness of it. Slowly, I placed my feet on the ground and stood, wobbling a little and using the wall for support as I walked over to the beautiful art on the far wall. It was a picture of a forest, whit two small people sitting together watching the sun set over the trees beyond. I saw something moving in the corner of my eye and whirled to face the movement, bring my fists up. I blinked at what I saw. My reflection glared back at me in the mirror and I dropped my fists, staring at myself.
    I had an urge to tug off my white dress to see what I looked like fully. So I did. I dropped it on the floor beside me and walked slowly towards the mirror. The first thing I saw all the faded little scars from when I was little and my dad used to break glass bottles over me when I was bad. I turned to the side and looked myself from bottom to top. I noticed with shock how clean I looked. Not a smudge of dirt anywhere, and for the first time in two months, my hair wasn't grease-ridden and tangled. I saw the scar from when I was shot with an arrow, my burn scars on my right hand were fading out a little, and the scar on my left eye was still as prominent as ever.
I leaned down and picked up my dress and pulled it back over my naked body. I didn't want to see myself like that, not without Bellamy's eyes on me. Tears came to my eyes and I moved to the bed, dropping down heavily onto it and starting to cry. I didn't care how weak it made me seem. I just wanted to grieve him and Finn. I reached up to my throat for my locket, but panicked when I didn't feel the necklace. I sat up and frantically searched the room, but didn't find the locket anywhere. Then I remembered, with regret, that I left it in my jacket pocket back at the dropship.
    "Fuck!" I shouted, knocking over the nightstand by the bed. "I have to get out of here." I muttered to myself, seeing a door with a small, circular window. I walked over to it and tried to turn the doorknob, but it was locked from the outside. "This can't be happening." I pressed my face up against the glass of the window and tried to look around. Across the hall was another door. I saw someone pacing around inside of it and banged on the door, hoping to get their attention. The face appeared at the window and I gasped, recognizing Jasper's familiar face.
His mouth was moving, but I couldn't hear anything. I shrugged and he threw his hands up in exasperation, continuing to pace the room.
    I looked to the left outside the window to a sign on the wall. My blood ran cold and I covered my hand with my mouth when I read the words. 'Mount Weather Quarantine Facility' was engraved in the wall. I backed away from the door and stood in the middle of the room, dread filling every inch of my body. I was in Mount Weather. And I was trapped.

Thank you all so much for reading! There will be a Season Two book as well if you're interested! Have a good day, and I hope you stick around!

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