Chapter 8: The Creepy Packages

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No One's POV

Y/N Cried into Alastor shoulder as the two of them were sat in a police station, mourning over there friends death. You probably wonder what in the hell is going on and well I'll tell you.


It all started 2 months ago when Mimzy went missing. When Y/N found out about this news she was devastated. Her boss/friend was missing and no one had seen here. Not even Alastor...(From what she had been told)

It was quite for a month. The murders had stopped and there was still no sign of Mimzy. It was night and Y/N was at home looking through the newspaper to try and look for a new job.

Though it wasn't going great. Everyone job was ever you had to have a skill for or it didn't pay enough. Y/N was about to give up and go to bed she was stopped by a knock on her door.

Y/N with a raised eyebrow looked down at her wristwatch with a confused look painted on her S/C face. 'Who is knocking at 12 in the morning?!' Y/N thought angrily before getting up from her chair and walked over to her front door.

When Y/N was at the door she put a hand on the doorknob and as she was about to open it she began to feel uneasy...Y/N a little scared that it might be the killer lifted her hand off the doorknob and walked over to her window that was near the door.

When she opened the curtains a little there she saw in the darkness was... nothing...absolutely nothing!

Y/N let a small growl out and rolled her eyes annoyingly. "you have to kidding me" Y/N mumbled. Probably just some drunks that thought it was to knock on her house and then just walked away.

As Y/N was about to go bed she noticed that small box outside her door. Y/N blinked a couple of times in confusion before she let a small sigh out and walked back towards her door.

Y/N opened and the first thing she felt was the coldness. A shiver went down the girl's spine as the cold wind nip at her skin. She mumbled angrily under her breath before picking up the small box.

She examined the box that she was holding and noticed her name was written on top of the box.

My dearest Y/N X

Y/N looked up from the box and looked around if she could have spotted anyone who might have left it at her door. But none was in sight. Y/N shrugged her shoulders and walked into her house closing the door behind her with her foot.

Y/N entered her living room and placed the box on her coffee table. She sat down on her couch and stared at the box for a few seconds. Because of how late it was, Y/N wanted to wait till tomorrow and opened but she knew this stupid box would keep her up all night.

A sigh escaped the H/C haired girls lip before she picks up the box and began to open it.

What she saw next made Y/N freeze in complete and utter shock. She saw pictures of her self. Not like pictures Y/N knew they where being taken but from afar.

One really stuck out to her, it was of her but with one of her guy friends. But the was that their eyes with crossed out with a red pen or something. "What the hell" she mumbled to herself.

Y/N gulped as she slowly placing the creepy pictures back into the box. She pushed the picture filled box away from her before getting up from her couch.

"This has to be some kind of joke, right?" She asked herself. Yeah! It probably was! It was probably one of her friends pulling a prank on her right. Though if it was just a prank, it was pretty fucked up.

That night when Y/N went bed she didn't sleep that night. She was to creeped out and scared too.

Time Skip

It had been a month, and every week Y/N would get a creepy package that got creepier and creepier each week. She had even asked her friends if they were the person who was doing this, but all they were no, and that was so fucked up. Even when Y/N question Alastor about the packages, he had said: "I have no idea why someone would send you something like that dear!"

The packages were either filled with pictures of her or missing objects that Y/N thought she had missed placed. Like her hairbrush or toothbrush or worse...Her panties.

It had Y/N disgusted. Someone was coming into her house while she slept or gone out and took her stuff. Y/N wanted to tell the police but she had too much on her plate...

This week's box though made the girl fear for her our life.

Y/N was in her room when she heard a knock at her door. Y/N, biting her lip, walking out of her cosy room and down her stairs.

When she made it to her door she placed a hand on the doorknob and took a deep breath. Knowing what was outside the door she quickly opened it and looked down.

There she saw like every other week was a package but this one was a lot bigger and it allows stunk. Y/N cringed as she picks up the box. This time the box was a lot heavier than the previous ones.

Y/N like every other week walking into her living room and placed. The smell was dreadful. Like a dead animal. "Please tell me this creep didn't bring me a dead animal?" Y/N asked herself with a disgusted look on her face. After that, she then began opening it.

When she had fully opened the package the most awful smell came out. This time strong. Y/N gagged at this feeling sick. "God it smells like a rotting corpse" Y/N told herself. She shook her head lightly before looking into the box.

What the girl saw next horrified her to this very day...The decapitated head of...


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