chapter 1 (The beginning)

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Roses POV

"Eric can I please have my phone back?" I asked annoyed 
"Sorry lil sis when you find your mate you'll know why my phone is dead and I'm stilling yours." my Brother Eric said. 
"Yeah but she's going to be at the game so you can talk to her there! My phone is going to di----- well to late, gosh!" I yelled. 
"Sorry lil sis didn't mean to kill your phone." He tried to say with a cute puppy-dog face. 
"Don't talk to me!" I yelled

Ok so your probably confused right? Well, I'm on a bus with a whole lot of hot baseball player on our way to there game, where I'm the runner girl, I go and get what they want from the concession stand, or whatever they need. Oh yeah, and my jerk of a twin brother stole my phone to talk to his Mate.

"Ok everyone we're here! Let's play some ball!" Yelled our coach

Uhh gosh, I hate our coach he just likes to tell us what to do, I swear if I liked doing girl stuff I would be in softball.

"Rose you coming?" asked the guy sitting next to me. 
"Yeah sorry, Drake I was just thinking." I said shaking my head 
"Yeah, I could tell. What you thinking about." Oh! That's Drake my Boyfriend but not my mate he's human so I can't be mates with him. 
"Watch your step we don't want you falling again, do we Lil sis." said Eric.

I was getting off the bus when I got a whiff of something strong and stoped in my place Whoa what's that smell? Does it smell like vanilla and Axe?

"Row you ok sis." asked Eric with a concerned look on his face. 
"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm ok I just got a whiff of something that smelt good like Vanilla and Axe." I said. 
"Oh, okay? Just don't do that again, ok? You scared me." he asked looking at me weird. 
"Hey wait I'm still not talking to you!" I said almost yelling and got the attention of some parents of young kids. OMG did they just shake there heads at me, I'm supposed to be the good one! 
"Well you just did so you lost." he said smirking

I stuck my tongue out at my twin, gosh he is so annoying.

"Hey leave her alone she's blonde she doesn't know what she's doing." 
"Haha, your so right Drake." 
"Gosh, I hate boys!!" I yelled at the both of them, and then stormed off with my bookbag.

They started to warm up so I stared at my homework. After about a minute my brother walks around the corner I was sitting in.

"Hey, sis can you get me 4 Gatorade for me and some other boys?" He asked. 
"Of course." I said with a smile. 
"Thanks, sis your the best." He said running back to the dugout. 
"Yeah, I know. " I said joking and grabbing the money and ran off.

As I was walking to the concession stand when my phone went off.

'Hey, sweet-checks! I can't believe Jessica was flirting with Drake today!' My best friend Claw text me. 
'Yeah, I know wtf was she thinking I'm so going to kick her A** when we get back.' I texted back.

I was looking down typing when I ran into something or someone at that. I closed my eyes, ready for contact but it never came. I opened my eyes and what I saw made my breath catch. Looking back at me was some of the most beautiful eyes. They were green with little blue flecks. He was just staring at me and all I could do was stare back. He finally looked away just a little bit and helped me up. Then all of a sudden the same smell from earlier hit me. Vanilla and Axe.

"Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" he spoke with such a sexy voice. 
"N-no it's not your fault I shouldn't have been texting and walking at the same time you know what they say never do it but again I'm blonde." I said and shook my head and thought 
"Damn did I just say I was blonde, gosh iv been hanging out with my brother and the guys too long." I heard him laugh and I froze looking up at him. 
" I just said that out loud didn't I." Damn, I do that a lot. He laughed such a sexy laugh. 
"Yeah you did but don't worry you're a cute blonde but don't tell anyone I told you that." He acted as if someone was trying to overhear and I laughed.

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