chapter 6 (Siblings fight?)

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I growled, but for a different reason then all the males. My growl was full of anger, while there's were full of hatred, resentment, and protection.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUY'S DOING HERE!" I screamed so loud all the males stopped growling at each other.

My brother, my twin brother. Was standing in front of all of our pack worriers, you could see the anger on his face. The way he was standing, his breathing all showed that he was pissed off. For what? I could not tell you. He stepped forward so he was a little bit closer to me, and he sniffed the air. What the hell is he doing? Trespassing on someone else's territory. Now he's sniffing the air? He has defiantly lost it! He still didn't say anything.

"What are you doing here Eric!" I yelled at him walking towards him. Ryder grabbed my arm and try to pull me back but I yanked my arm away.
"You don't get to ask questions. You answer them!" He yelled back. He has completely lost it, and I'm going to have to kill my brother tonight!
"Excuse me! Who the hell do you think you are? Dad? Because what I can see dad isn't even here, and I bet he doesn't know you guys are here also!" I screamed still stomping my way over to him. I'm short ok, it takes me longer than these long-legged males.
"I am your brother! Remember from you're pack? Or have you forgotten that already?" He said as I stopped in front of him. I had to look up because, well again I'm short he's tall. You get the gist.
"Are you out of you're ever living mind Eric? Have you completely lost all of you're brains? I am here with my mate! With his pack! There is no problem with me being here! Now answer me! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE"! I yelled once more, pushing my brother back with full force.
"I'm here to take you home. You haven't been answering your phone! You turned it off and it has been 6 hours! We thought you were hurt! Or that this mutt had already marked you and threw you in the Doenges!" He yelled. I heard Ryder's pack growl again, and when I looked back I saw them holding on to Ryder. Trying to keep him from attacking my brother.
"To take me home? I'm not a pup Eric! I can take myself home! I haven't been answering my phone because it died and has been up in the room charging while I had dinner with MY MATE and his pack. And if you call MY MATE a mutt again we are going to have problems! Just because you are my brother, don't think I won't punish you for stepping out of line! And Doenges? This pack has been nothing but nice to me since I arrived! They have set aside their differences with our pack because they know both packs will fail if me and Ryder are not together!" I said trying to get it through his thick skull that he is being stupid and overdramatic!
"Punishing me? For what oh mighty Alpha? For worrying about my twin sister being with that pack that killed our grandmother? For being worried that this mutt is going to mate you before asking dad and the families permission?" He had more to say but I had enough of him calling Ryder a mutt. So I hit him. I didn't hit him hard enough to knock him out, but hard enough to leave a mark. Everyone stopped. Even Ryder stopped fighting the guys and stood still. Waiting to see what was going to come of that hit. You could hear the wind softly blowing. Eric stumbled back a bit, touching his cheek he looked up at me. Then he did what no one was expecting him to do. He charged at me. And if this was any other situation I would have laughed at the way he almost looked like a bull. But no, this was serious. Just as he reached me and was about to tackle me to the ground I moved to his left. He is right-hand dominant so by moving to his left I would have an advantage. I grabbed his arm and flipped him as he was about to tackle the ground. I looked over at him. Daring him to stand back up. 
"Don't do this Eric. I don't want to hurt you. You are still my brother, and I love you." I said watching him closely as he started to stand. He again charged at me. This time I moved to the right. But he knows my fighting style and had already predicted my move. So next thing I know, we are both about to hit the ground with me under him. Challenging an Alpha! Challenging me? He knows who I am. What I am. Yes, I have another little secret that only my family knows. Just before we hit, I twisted so he would land on bottom and I would land on top of him. I grabbed his hands and held them above his head.
"STOP ERIC!" I screamed in his face. If he wants a fight he's about to get it. I just hope my wolf doesn't take over.

Before I could even think, Eric pushed me off to where I landed on my back and he was crawling on top of me. Ready to hit me. Stupid boy, he is blinded by anger or he would have held my hands. As his fist came to make contact with my face I grabbed his hand and rolled us back over. Sitting with his hands under my legs, I let it go. I hit him again in his jaw, and he threw me off. I quickly got up, as he was running at me again. I swung, making contact with his eye. He swung and I dodged it. I swung again, and again, and again. stomach, ribs, face, and I didn't stop. One last hit to the face and he went down. But I wasn't done. NO, my wolf wasn't done, he was there laying on the grown blood all over. But she wanted more. I walked up to his knocked-out body and continued to swing, hit after hit and she still wasn't satisfied. What is her deal? Next thing I know I feel strong arms go around my waist and pull me off, pretty much throwing me to the side. I growled and stood up turning around to see Ryder standing between me and my brother.

"Rose you need to stop or you are going to kill him, and I won't let you do that. He may be an ass, and he may have come here looking for a fight, whether it with you or me. But I will not let you kill your brother. You would never be able to live with your self if you did." Ryder said standing to protect my brother. My wolf growled. For real what the hell is wrong with her!
"MOVE!" I yelled. 
"No." Was all he said.
"Ryder MOVE!" I said again. Ok, you bitch of a wolf what the hell is your deal?
"NO!" He yelled and started to slowly walk towards me. We were staring each other down until he was close enough for me to touch. He reaches out and grabs me and hold me in a bear hug. My wolf slowly decided to calm down. I looked over to my brother, and what I guess was the pack doctor was looking him over. He had come to again and was trying to sit up. Holy shit, I almost killed my brother! Then my wolf decided this hug wasn't enough to calm her.
"Ryder I don't know what is wrong with my wolf but she is going crazy. She wants to kill." I said burring my face into his chest.
"It's ok just take deep breaths." He said and took a deep breath with me. Then once again, Ryder froze.
"What's wrong?" I asked looking up again.
"Rose, go up to my room and lock the door." He said letting me go, pushing me to the house.
"What? Why?" I asked turning back around.
"ROSE JUST GO!" He screamed getting the attention of everyone. I looked at him shocked. My brother stumbled his way over to use.
"Hey my sister might have just kicked my ass, but ain't no way I'm letting you..." My brother started to say, then stopped and froze. Just like Ryder.
"What the hell is wrong?" I said so very confused as to why they are both acting so weird.
"Rose go to my room and lock the door. I will be there in 2 hours." Ryder said turning to my brother.
"Not until you tell me what is going on!" I said pretty loud but not yelling.
"Rose you are in heat! And every male in a 20-mile radius is about to try and jump your bone! Get your ass in my room and I will be there in 2 hours!" Ryder called at me. Wait. I didn't think you got your heat until you were 18! I didn't say anything but ran up to his room and do what he said. Wait he said 2 hours! Up here by myself? What the actual fuck! Well, I guess I should make myself at home. First I want to shower! Searching his room I found some boxers and a 'wife-beater' and headed to his in-suite bathroom. Grabbing my phone and turning it on. It started dinging like crazy. Finally, after it was done, I turned some music on and showered. Then I decided to just go ahead and take advantage of his jet stream bathtub. Listening to music and just relax. The water started to get cold so I decided it was best to get out. Dressing in his boxers and shirt I went and layed down on his bed, and started scrolling through all of the text from my brother and the guys. I guess I drifted off to sleep because the next thing I know, Ryder is throwing the door up, and slamming it shut behind him. I shot upright in bed and made eye contact with him. How the hell did he get the door open? I locked it, he must have a key.

"Ryder, what's wrong?" I asked.
"MINE! FOREVER MINE!" He said before he launched himself at me!

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