chapter 9(permission)

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Eric POV

After me and my sister fought, and it was confirmed she was also in heat. Ryder road back to our house with me and the rest of the guy's demanding Rose stay up in his room, to which I was not going to fight him on. Ever male around was having trouble controlling themselves and I would rather her be locked away in a room than in a car full of males. I still don't like this, but to keep my sister from getting attacked by any of these males or any other male from that pack. I will have to deal with it. We road in silence for the most part, with an occasional growl that would come from Ryder being in the car and no one liking it. I had no idea why Ryder wanted to come back with us. But once again, not complaining at least I know he's not trying to mate my little sister.

After an hour of driving, we finally arrived at our packhouse. As all, the guys were piling out of the car Ryder finally spoke.

"Where is you're dads office?" He said, looking me directly in the eyes. Yeah, your Alpha shit ain't going to work on me dude. I have Alpha blood in me also. 
"You're Alpha tone is not going to work on me dude. I've got Alpha blood in me too." I said looking right in his eyes as well. He let out a breath and looked down closing his eyes. Is he summiting to me? He looked back up and this time it was just a normal guy.
"Sorry dude, I'm stressing knowing you're sister my mate is in my room all alone in heat. I just want to talk to you're Alpha and get back to her, so I know she is ok." He said calmly. Ok, that I could understand. I hated when Mayci went into heat and I wasn't around. I was scared every male would be on top of her. I let out a breath of air as well.
"Yeah, follow me." I said waving my hand for him to follow.

We walked into the house and to my dad's office. I could hear him talking but couldn't hear anyone else in the room. He must be on the phone. I knocked.

"Come in Eric!" He said. And I opened the door. As I guessed he was on the phone. He looked up from his desk and frowned at me then looked at Ryder.
"Yes they are both here with me, don't worry Alpha Taylor I will take care of my son. And send your son back as soon as we talk." He said and my face drained of any colour. He waved his hand for use both to sit. Man, I'm dead. I looked over at Ryder and his face was the same way. He must know his dad is going to rip him a new one for leaving with us. And entering our territory without his knowledge. As soon as my dad hung up he stood up and walked around to me and Ryder. He stood there for a bit looking at both of us. Finally, he spoke.
"Well first off I want to say, welcome to our family Ryder. But that does not mean you can be coming on to our territory without my knowledge and you're dad knowing." He said, then he looked at me.
"And as for you, I should rip you a new one but I hear you're little sister already did that for me." He said laughing. Maybe he's not in a bad mood.
"Since she has already done that part from me, your mother and I both agree that you are grounded for a month. So hand me your phone, your tv and electronics have already been removed from your room. The only time you are to come out of your room is to eat, go to school, and do your duties as border control, that has also been doubled." He said. Well, that's better then what I thought I was getting.
"Now Ryder, since you have come on to my territory without permission from either your father or myself. There must be a reason." My father looked back at Ryder.
"Yes, Sir there is." He said looking at me then my dad again.
"Well go on with it." My father motioned for him to get it out already.
"Sir with all due respect I would like to talk to you one on one with just you." He said. Again looking at me and back at my dad.
"There is nothing you can not say to me that you cant say in front of my son." My father stated. Thank you, dad. I know this has to do with something about Rose. And as her twin, I need to know. Ryder huffed and stood up.
"Oh well then here it goe's. Your daughter is in heat, Sir. I know its a year earlier then it should be. And I am still a little confused on it. But I came here today, to ask you for promotion to not only mark her but also to mate with her. And asked that she join my pack." Ryder said all in one breath. Before my dad ever got to blink I was up and in Ryder's face. How dare he! 
"How dare you! After everything your pack, you're FATHER has done to this pack! You have the nerve to ask to not only mate and mark my sister! But you ask to take her from us! Her home! Her family! The pack she was born to look after one day! Absolutely.." 
"Yes." My father cut me off. I turned to look at him.
"What?" Ryder and I both said in unison. We both turned to look at each other. Then back at my father.
"Yes, you have my permission to mark your mate. And help her through her heat. That is your duty as her mate after all. But both of you sit down and listen very closely at what I am about to tell you." My father continued walking around his desk to sit back down. Waving a hand for us to sit again as well. What is he thinking? He marks her she belongs to there pack. No longer ours, she will no longer be the rightful Alpha that she was born and raised to be! 
"Now, I am ok with you mating and marking my daughter is because like I said before that is your duty. Now for her joining your pack. Son that will never happen." He said.
"Ha!" I turned to Ryder with a smug look. My dad shook his head and Ryder rolled his eyes at me! 
"The reason for this is because she is the first female Alpha ever born, meaning she will always be this pack's Alpha." My dad said and I smiled while Ryder's shoulders slumped. He knew this was coming why is he acting so wounded?
"But she will also be your packs, Luna." He continued. I slumped and Ryder perked up.
"I don't know why this has happened or why the goddess has paired you two up. But I know she knows what she is doing. And that this was meant to happen for a reason. Whether it be to end this feud between our packs or for something bigger that is coming this way. " My father said and then it all hit me. I looked to the guy to my left. My sister was always meant for something bigger. She's not only the first female Alpha, but she has another little secret that only the family knows. The guy sitting next to me has to be something special if the goddess above chose him for her.
"So what happens when it's time for both of us to become the leaders of our packs? And does that mean I will be the Luna of this pack?" Ryder made a face and I let a laugh slip. Which so did my dad so I guess it was ok. 
"Both of you will figure that out with time. And no I believe you and her will both be equal Alphas for this pack. Whether you choose to make her equally an Alpha for you're pack or the Luna is up to you as well." My father answered his question. Well kind of. He just gave him some more things to think over.
"Ok." Was all Ryder said.
"I think we are done here." My father said standing once more. Me and Ryder both nodded and stood as well.
"Thank you for coming to me first Ryder." My father shook his hand.
"I would only hope if I ever had a daughter, her mate would do the same." Ryder shook his hand back. 
"Dad if you don't mind, I know I'm grounded and all but could I take a walk with Ryder so we can talk. Man to man. We have some stuff we need to figure out so it doesn't keep causing problems down the road." I asked. My father only nodded once more waving us to leave him.

Me and Ryder walked out the doors of my father's office, I lead him downstairs and out to the back. So we could take a walk through the woods so no one could interrupt us. We walked in silence for a little while. Then Ryder broke the silence.

"Look, man, I have nothing against you. I know my father did some bad things when we were younger. And I know its no excuse, but when my mother died he didn't take it well. And he went crazy." He said. I look over at him.
"I can understand that, but you have to understand that some of the things he did to this pack. It didn't just affect us then. It affects us still to this day. It is still affecting us. It's affecting Rose." I said being one hundred per cent honest. He stopped and looked at me.
"What do you mean it is still affecting Rose?" He said.
"Look it's not something I can tell you. Rose will need to be the one to tell you when she is ready. Let's just say our grandmother was the only one that could help Rose with how she is." I said and continued walking.
"Ok, so I'm going to be blunt. What is you're deal with me." Ryder said that had me stopping.
"My deal with you? Dude. You're my little sister's mate! Even if you are her mate! She's still my little sister, and to me, no man will ever be good enough for her. But like my dad said. If the goddess herself thought you worthy of my sister. Maybe your not to bad. So just prove me wrong. And if you ever hurt her, I will kill you." I said.
"Enough said." Ryder replied. We stood and looked at each other.
"So, we good?" Ryder asked.
"Yeah, we're good. But if I remember correctly my sister is in your room in pain from her first-ever heat, with males from your pack all around her." I said. He stiffened, and I laughed.
"Yeah, I gotta go." He said and took off. I laughed, as he shifted and ran faster than ever.

Prove me wrong, man. Because I might be starting to like you. Don't hurt my sister. And you better protect her with your life. She deserves it, she has already been through so much in her life.

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