Chapter 8(No one's going to tell me what to do)

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"What the hell are you doing!" I screamed at Ryder.
"You are not going anywhere, Rose!" HE screamed back at me, slowly walking closer to me. I growled.
"Get the hell away from me!" I yelled crawling over the bed and standing. I'm shaking, but from anger not fear. I can't believe he thinks he can throw me around, boss me.
"Rose just lay down and we will talk about this in the morning." Ryder said shaking his head. 
"The hell we will! I am you're MATE Ryder. I am NOT you're slave, nor your little puppet to try and throw around! I had a life before you came into it and I am not giving that life up just because we are mates! Just because I am in heat!" I yelled at him, I'm sure everyone in the house can hear us fighting but I could give two shits less. 
"I understand that Rose, but going to a baseball game with mostly guys while you are in heat and me not being around is not happening." He yelled back at me once again.
"Wait, you're not going to go to my game?" Just like that my anger vanished and I was about to cry, hurt that he wasn't even going to come to watch me play!
"Well, you didn't necessarily invite me to so I didn't think I was welcome. Even more so because your pack still obviously hates me." Ryder said sitting down on the bed looking over at me.
"Ryder, of course, your invited to watch me. I don't care if my pack still doesn't like you. They are just going to have to learn to like you or deal with it. Because after we both become Alpha of our packs we are going to have to merge our packs. I can't live in my territory away from you and you can't live away from me. It would defeat the purpose of use being mates..." I said slowly sitting down beside him also.
"Ok, as long as I am there we can go." He said, and I just rolled my eyes. Oh! And I forgot something. I reach up to touch the crease of my neck and shoulder.
"Why didn't you mark me?" I asked looking at him.
"I haven't asked you yet, and I hadn't planned on it until asking you." He said looking at my neck, licking his lips.
"You don't have to ask me that." I said looking down. Maybe he doesn't want me as his mate. Tears came to my eyes. Wow, where are all these emotions coming from? I feel bipolar!
"Rose, please don't cry." He reaches for me.
"Why did you leave me here in you're room for almost 4 hours? You said 2. Why did you even plan leaving me for 2?" I asked. Wow for real Rose, you are just trying to pick a fight. Why does it matter that he left you in his room safe from other males!?
"I went to talk to your Alpha and father. It took longer because me and your brother decided that we needed to talk. And everywhere we went I had one of your pack members growling at me trying to start a fight." He told me.
"Why did you go talk to my dad?" I asked shock all over my face.
"To ask his permission to mark you as mine. I thought as soon as I did you would lose your connection with your pack and gain the one with mine. But your father explained to me, that since you are an Alpha and will be taking over your pack that it would not only connect you to me and my pack but also connect me with you and your pack. Starting the merge of our packs." Ryder explained to me. Oh ok, tears you can stop now. He's not cheating or whatever your bipolar mind was thinking.
"Oh, well do you think we should hold off on the marking until both our packs know? Maybe we can have both our fathers call a joined meeting with all the member of both backs to let them all know?" I asked.
"That is a great idea! We wouldn't want anyone shocked to just all of a sudden be connected to a different pack." He said laying down pulling me with him.
"I will talk to my father in the morning, and you can at breakfast. We can have them call each other or something to set it up. I know some members aren't going to be too happy about it but they can either leave or learn to like it." I said as I drifted off to sleep. The last thing I heard was Ryder's laugh. 

"ROSE ANN WINCHESTER!" I hear my brother yelling. Wait I thought I was at Ryder's house. I open my eyes to see my brother standing over me. I looked to my right and Ryder was nowhere to be seen. 
"UH go away bugger breath." I said rolling over and flipping the pillow over my head.
"Nope, time to get ready for the pre-gaming ritual." Eric bellowed.
"Why do we have to do this every time we have a game?" I asked, rolling back over and looking up at him.
"Because it brings us good luck and also because we are guys and always hungry." He said walking to the door.
"Ok ill be down in 10." I said sitting up.
"Oh, and sis," He stopped looking over his shoulder.
"Yeah?" I said right before he throughs a bag at my face.
"Brought you some clothes and all your bathroom stuff. Make sure to shower because you smell like sex." He said laughing running out the door. I ran to the door before it could close.
"YOUR A DICK ERIC LEE WINCHESTER, AN ABSOLUT DICK!" I screamed at his figure running down the stairs.

Well if my brothers here must mean that talk him and Ryder had gone well. I ran and showered real fast before getting into my baseball uniform. I was finishing tieing my hair up in a tight high ponytail as Ryder walked back into the room, He looked at me and started to strip. Wow, what crawled up his ass? I dropped my hands and as soon as I did it felt like someone punched me in the stomach. I screamed out in pain and almost hit my knees.

"What's wrong?" Ryder said running over to me. 
"Felt like someone punched me in the stomach," I said trying to catch my breath.
"It's probably your heat. Sex helps with the pain. But your brother said we are on a tight 'schedule." He said just as the pain hit again.
"What?" Ryder said trying not to laugh. I just shook my head at him. 
"Anyways sex usually keeps the pain away for about 2 hours after. But let's go." He said as he pulled a shirt back over his head. Again pain. The hell with it my brother is just going to have to wait. I growled at Ryders figure walking to the door. I ran at him. Just before I got to him he turned around and I jumped into his arms...

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