chapter 5 (Dinner with the pack)

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(Rose POV)

I woke up to soft snoring. Hum, what is Eric doing in my room? He must have had a nightmare. I still up doing a cat stretch, and look around. Wait. This isn't my room! This isn't my house! Where am I, I've been kidnapped haven't I? Then I hear it again. Snoring. I just up real fast turning to face the bed, realising the snoring is coming from beside me. Just as I jump up so does the other person. Then it hit me. Finding my mate. All the drama with his pack. The fight with my brother. I look at the clock and realise it's been 3 hours since our fight! Oh no, I told them I was on my way! I pull my phone out of my pocket, just to see a black screen. Dang must have died. I need to get home fast!

"What's wrong Rose?" Ryder asked walking over to me.
"I need to get home fast! I told my brother I was on my way home right before I fell asleep. I'm surprised they aren't breaking the door down yet!" I said in a rush trying to find my shoes. I don't even remember taking them off.
"Calm down, I will take you home. But first, you will eat dinner with us." He said picking up my shoes from under the bed and bringing them to me.
"Ryder I can't like I said I'm surprised they're not here yet. And if they come it's just going to cause more problems. And my phone is dead so I can't even call them to let them know." I said headed for the door. 
"Plug your phone in here. We will go down and eat and then you can text them on the way to your house." He said grabbing my arm pulling me towards him. 
" I don't think its a good idea. But my tummy is telling me to eat now. So okay." I said as I walked over and plugged my phone into his charger. 
"Great, come on." He said grabbing my hand and leading me downstairs. Man, why does he have to live on the third story?

We walked to the dining room hand in hand. He walks me over to a chair and pulls it out for me. Terry and the guys walked in, Terry came to my other side and sat down, and we all started talking right away. That was until the witch showed up, and by witch I mean Clare. As soon as she walked in she looked at me and smirked. She slowly made her way around the table and right up to me. All the guys went quiet and looked at her. I turned and looked up at her as well. I mean she is hovering over me.

"You're in MY seat." She said, still smirking.
"Uhm, this is where I was told to sit. There are some seats at the other end of the table you can have." I said while turning back around. I started to ask Trey a question when my chair was yanked back hard almost causing me to fall out of it.
"I said you're in MY seat. Now move, you are not part of this pack. Nor will you ever be. Ryder is mine. And you're just a mut. Now move!" She yelled.
"And I said there are seats at the other end of the table. I may not be apart of this pack, but Ryder is MY mate, and I am you're soon to be Luna. You will lower your voice to me and leave me alone." I said calmly, scooting my chair back up.

Before I knew what was happening, I felt her pull my hair and pretty much yank me up out of my seat and throw me on the ground.

"I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE BITCH! BUT THIS IS MY PACK. MY MATE. MY TERRITORY. AND I WILL TALK TO WHOMEVER HOWEVER I LIKE. UNDERSTAND THAT!" She screamed going to sit in my seat. Ryder had jumped up and grabbed her arm before anyone could even blink.
"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT 'YOU'RE PACK' 'YOU'RE MATE' 'YOU'RE TERRITORY'?" Ryder yelled. And if I wasn't an Alpha myself I probably would have curled into a ball and cried for days.
"It's true! You are mine! You have been mine forever! And just because some nasty mutt from the moonshine pack says shes you're mates you are pushing your actual mate away!" Clare said holding on to Ryder's face.

Yeah, this isn't going over well with my wolf. Being disrespected, hands being laid on me, and now she is touching my mate? Claiming him as hers? Yeah, I don't think so! I got up so fast that I'm surprised I didn't break my back! I calmly walked over to them, and they looked at me. Ryder had a look of confusion. Yeah, I would do with how calm I'm acting. And Clare had that stupid smirk on her face! Before anyone could think twice, I grabbed Clare by the throat with one hand and threw her to the farthest wall. Everyone looked at Clare and gasped. She was pulling herself up holding on to the wall. Then they looked back at me and I think I heard Trey whine. I guess my wolf is showing herself. No one said anything or tried to stop me as I walked over to Clare, grabbed her by the hair and pulled her on up to her feet. She clawed at my hands, crying in pain. Well, bitch, you brought this on your self. You should know never to touch and Alphas mate. I looked at everyone. No one still dares to stop me. Not even Ryder. He is just standing there watching me. I grab Clare by her throat again and hold her against the wall. Her feet dangling in the air. I may only be 5ft 1 but I can promise my strength is still there. As I tighten my grip just a little bit more, I lower her so I can look her right in the eyes.

"You may think that I am just a weak little mutt, and you may think that you had Ryder at one point in your pathetic life. But I promise you love. If you ever disrespect me and my wolf again. I will kill you faster then you can say your damn name! And if you EVER claim my mate as yours again. And dare touch him, look at him or breath the same air as him. I will kill you. Slow and painfully. Understood!" I said through my teeth. At this point, she is turning blue and I feel a hand being placed on my shoulder.
"Babe let her go or you are going to kill her." Ryder said softly in my ear. I looked up at him. Then back at Clare. And just as I went to drop this wast of space, Will walks in. And if it could have gotten any quieter then it already was. It did.
"What is going on here?" He asked no one in particular.
"Dad Clare is to be band from this back and this territory first thing in the morning. She dared to not only disrespect me but also my mate." Ryder said as he pulled me into his side. I looked down at Clare that was gasping for air, tears coming down her face. I hate when I have to be violent. But sometimes I just can't hold my wolf back.
"Clare stand up and go to you're room. I will have your mother and the pack doctor come to you after we all eat." Will said never losing eye contact with me. Man, I hope this doesn't change his opinion of me. I hope I can still be here.
"But Alpha! She" Clare started to say. But will cut her off.
"Enough! You lay hand on my daughter and your future Alpha Luna! I should let her finish you off right here!" He said looking at her.

Wow. He just called me his daughter. And what exactly is an Alpha Luna? I have never heard of that. Clare stood up and glared at me, then slowly made her way to I guess guessing her room.

"Now let's eat!" Will said and we all sat and ate as nothing had happened.

After we finished up dinner, I and Ryder went back up to his room to get my phone. Nothing was said about the incident with Clare. I'm just glad that Alpha Taylor didn't rip my head off for causing such a ruckus in his pack. We were about halfway up to his room. On the freaking third floor! I could hear growls and shouting from downstairs. Ryder froze, I'm guessing someone was mind linking him. He growled and pulled me to his side. Almost picking me up. I mean he is almost 6ft and I'm 5'1. He looked down at me, shaking. He was pissed, but why? Instead of going back to his room and retrieving my phone he turned us around and headed back down the dreadful stairs. If you couldn't tell I hate stairs. When we reach the bottom he headed for the front door that was already open, and it seemed like every male in the pack was standing outside. Some in wolf form and some still in human form. What in the world is going on? Why are they all growling? As we walked forward, they all started to part way for Ryder and I. That's when I saw why they were growling.

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