16. Heart to heart (PART TWO)

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Corinna's P.O.V:
He started to kiss down my neck sucking and nibbling at my flesh, still pecking the scars that would come in the way of his assault. When he arrived at my breasts he tore off my sports bra and took one of my nipples in his mouth. He sucked on my nipple with no mercy as he massaged the other one and vice versa.

My back arched at the pleasure I was feeling as my moans filled the room when he suddenly stopped.

"Why?" I groaned frustrated at the loss of pleasure at the devil in front of me.

"Let's play a game." He stated with a perfect smirk on his face. His voice was so low and husky, coated with thick lust.

"Now?" I asked in disbelief. He only nodded at my choice of tone as he smirked his signature smirk.

"You ask me anything you want to know and I ask you anything I want to know." He whispered to me huskily quite amused at my facial expression.

"And if any of us don't want to answer?" I asked confused, how did this game even fit into this whole situation.

"No answer equals a pass, a pass equals a dare. We dare each other something." He smirked at me mischievously as my jaw dropped open.

"Sure, why not," I answered back, my dropped jaw formed a smirk instead. I sat up for a moment, rolling my head back as I stroked my hair.

"Why were you dressed as a boy when I first met you?" Stephano started off with an easy one

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"Why were you dressed as a boy when I first met you?" Stephano started off with an easy one.

"You were searching for Corinna Salvatore, I wiped out every last bit of information about that name. You wouldn't even recognize me even if you had seen me as a girl. But at night I had to be Vendetta to avenge Dany. And I had to be careful of anyone seeing Corinna's face. Because Corinna and Vendetta are not the same person." I answered the question as he nodded slowly.

He got back to my neck and started to attack it with light feathery kisses again.

"Why are you still going through with what our fathers want?" I whispered my question lowly, stuttering slightly at the pleasure I was feeling. He took his mouth off of my neck to speak as I mimicked his actions. I kissed his neck softly and assaulted it as he answered.

He sat down on the bed, his back against the wall as I straddled him. He had the back of his head resting on the wall as his head was turned upwards towards the ceiling. He never once looked towards me while he spoke or stopped my assault. He didn't even stutter, as if he had a woman straddling him and asking him questions every day.

He probably did, my jealous inner voice spoke up.

"Because they are right. The Mafia is needed in this world. Even if we fuck up the world we still bring good to the people. And in order to keep the circle going, I need an heir with the same thoughts as mine. You are the perfect candidate. And even if we wouldn't have been forced to go through with the marriage. I would never bring a normal, innocent woman into this life. Luckily, you were already in it." I was hurt by his words. I had been an innocent brought into this lifestyle too, once.

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