23. Beside you

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Corinna's P.O.V:
I woke up the next morning completely exhausted. Stephano and I had been awake for a couple of hours after our shower-sex, we just talked and discussed everything from how stars were even made to what the shade nude actually were. I had put on a pair of new black matching bra and thongs. I stretched out my muscles and turned around.

 I stretched out my muscles and turned around

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Stephano was still laying peacefully asleep. I analyzed him. His high cheekbones, long eyelashes, plump pink lips, and jawline to die for.

He was beyond handsome and there was nothing that could have kept me away from feeling attraction towards this man. Yet I didn't know what I felt.

I wanted to know everything about him, from what he hates to what he loves. And I wished to be someone he could love in the future.

I knew that he had shown me more affection than anyone had ever shown me in life. And he had made me feel at home more than anyone had ever done. He had also been completely and utterly soft towards me when I had been needing it the most.

So yes, I had feelings towards him. But I didn't quite love him yet. I am interested in what kind of man he is.

And I'm not wondering about what I already know. Because I know that he's a respectful, humble man and a man of his word. I know that he's always the one who watches over me the nights I can't keep myself awake and sane. And I know how much he punished Dante for stabbing me twice and making me go into a mini coma. Even if no one told me.

And tonight when I jolted up screaming at the top of my lungs he was here to hold me and stayed awake watching over me even long after I had fallen back asleep again.

What he felt towards me was not just interest, and what I felt towards him was not just interest.

We felt something, we just couldn't quite put our fingers on what exactly it was.

Maybe because we had never loved before. Maybe it is love and we just don't know it because we don't know what love feels like.

I mean I can't have Stockholm syndrome because he never kidnapped me. I could have left whenever I wanted to and I still can.

"Are you going to keep staring at me like that or are you going to tell me what you're thinking about?" Stephano still had his eyes closed while he spoke.

"I'm sorry for waking you up the nights I can't keep myself awake." I apologized to him quietly.

Stephano snapped his eyes open as he stared into mine. "Are you crazy? I want you to sleep every night so I can wake up to you sleeping next to me every day. And so you can wish me a good morning every morning with that angelic voice of yours." Stephano smiled softly at me.

"Well then, Good morning." I smiled softly back at him as I stared into his eyes.

" I smiled softly back at him as I stared into his eyes

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