25. Broken

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Corinna's P.O.V:
Upon arriving at my own damned mansion, I took a deep breath.

I couldn't feel anything no matter how much I tried.

At least I should cry, scream, feel angry, and hurt. But nothing.

The mansion was cold, some of the furniture was untouched since my men and women left and joined our rightful famiglia.

The word seemed so fucking far away.

I was surrounded by silence, coldness, and numbness.

I felt on the verge of puking my heart out. I felt sick to my stomach.

I stood in the middle of the big round hall and looked up to the big chandelier. My eyes started to scan the empty hall and stairs.

I used to hate the laughs of the small kids I used to hear and the people's loud voices. That's why I never hung around here because I hated everything and everyone.

But the last two years had been so different.

I finally killed off all the men who I thought killed my last hope, I avenged Dany and myself.

I fell in love with my husband who I married because it was in my mother's and father's will. It had been decided before I was even born, but when I got the blame of my mother's death my father saw it as a way of punishing me.

And I also found happiness and friends who turned out to be more of a family to me than my own real family.

Yes, I sinned.

But for every sin, I did right too, goddamn it.

So why the fuck did I deserve to get lied to and walked all over again by the people I tried to fucking trust.

And worse of it all, by the boy who started all of my fucking Vendetta life.

The cause of my fucking aching heart.

I didn't blame him for everything, but I blamed him for everything that happened after he found out about my name when I stood in front of him.

Voices in my head got louder as I stared into nothing.

Before I even realized it, my two fists had grabbed my own hair as I collapsed to the cold marble floor on my knees and screamed to the gods above.

Before I even realized it, my two fists had grabbed my own hair as I collapsed to the cold marble floor on my knees and screamed to the gods above

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Even though my voice shouldn't even be able to come out right now, my scream had more agony and power than a banshee would ever have.

My heart ached as my breath became hard and rigged.

Maybe this was my end? Maybe I could move to a new town, change my name and start over. Maybe even a whole different country.

I had a chance of a normal life, either I live as a brand new woman or I die as Corinna Salvatore today.

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