30. Deeply, madly

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Corinna's P.O.V:
"Why the fuck are you guys touching my wife?" Stephano growled lowly at Zane and Jace.

Zane and Jace had come into my room because I needed a makeover, their words not mine.

And I swear it made me feel like the ugly duckling. They fixed my nails, toenails, and forced me to go into the shower to shave.

I told them that I had all of my body hair lasered because I got sick and tired of it, but they didn't believe me. So I was forced into the shower only to scrub my body for like an hour to fool them and make them think that I actually shaved.

I didn't even know why I had to do all of this but I just couldn't say no to them.

"We're married! Why can't we touch her?" Jace muttered under his breath as Zane glared at Stephano.

"He doesn't care, even Elladia gets yelled at if she gets too close to me." I rolled my eyes as Stephano smirked at me.

"She's mine, no one gets to touch my bambino." Stephano pulled me towards him and hugged me possessively to his side. "Not even other women."

"Oh my god, we're only trying to make her hotter for you. Let us do our job." Jace rolled his eyes at Stephano.

"No. She doesn't need to be hotter. She's already the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on. No matter if she wears makeup or looks like the trash you take out. Il Mio! (Mine)" Stephano took it to a whole different level.

I had always known that he's possessive and overprotective of what's his. But I never imagined him to be possessive to this point.

"Get out, seriously. Let us breathe." I pushed Stephano out of our room only to get a pout as a response.

"Ti Amo." He kissed me deeply, only to make me fall even more madly in love with him.

"I love you too." I slammed the door shut as I went back and sat down in the chair.

"I want to drive him insane with your beauty today. I want you to look like an angel and not a devil." Jace started to put my make up on as Zane styled my hair.

What the hell does that even mean? Do I look like the devil?

"Do I usually look like a devil or something?" I asked confused at his statement.

"Well, you're beauty is like a sin. When men put their eyes on you, they feel their dicks throb. I want to turn you into the kind of beauty who makes their hearts throb."

"That was the worse insult I have ever received in my whole life, and I have received many." I glared at Jace for even saying something like that.

"You can't help it! You're too sexy for your own good!" Zane tried to clarify what his husband meant and I burst out in laughter.

"Yeah sure, do what you have to do." I heard the water splash in the pool outside since our balcony door was open.

I got up from the chair to take a look at what was happening outside since no one ever used the pool.

And to my panties' luck, I saw my man shirtless in all his glory sitting by the pool. His tattoo-covered body never failed to make the pit of my stomach tingle. And his facial expressions and movements were beyond mesmerizing. If I was the devil without knowing it, then he was sin itself.

 If I was the devil without knowing it, then he was sin itself

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