24. Betrayal

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Corinna's P.O.V:
Several weeks went by fast, and I had not gotten the chance to speak to Stephano or tell him what really happened and how huge of a misunderstanding all of this was.

I had not slept for weeks, my nightmares had gotten worse again. Stephano was nowhere to be found when I screamed at the top of my lungs that same night. He had even forbidden Dante from coming into my room and rock me back to sleep.

"Noooooo!" I jolted up screaming in the middle of the night, darkness hugged my every body part and my eyes searched for the threat.

My breath got rigged and I was about to have a panic attack again. Some of the sane parts of me begged for Stephano to come and comfort me.

I had let him and the men in this house in, I depended on them just like I promised myself I never would.

I promised to never let anyone in, yet they had crushed down my every defense and wall.

I was stronger on my own without any sleep or care for anyone. And I was going to go back to that.

I dreamt about my father who had asked me to come to watch a tape with him. In that tape, my father beat the hell out of a two-year-old me as he laughed hysterically.

And when the tape was over, he recreated a new one but this time his men helped him beat me black and blue too.

I had two broken ribs, nose, and ankle that day before I was thrown into the cell again.

I shivered at the memory of my father and his men.

Stephano had turned colder than ice.

He didn't give a fuck about me or my nightmares anymore. And no flying fucks about my well being either.

Because of my sleepless nights and exhaustion, I couldn't recognize the girl in the mirror who stared right back at me.

Her eyes were empty and soulless, in so much pain yet they gave nothing away. She had turned even paler than she already was and her hair was drier than Vito's humor.

And she could no longer take it. If I couldn't explain what really happened that day and I had to endure seeing the man that I want to come in late at night with new hickeys every day, I rather leave this house and go back to my old lifestyle.

I had lost my voice again because of the sleepless nights, so when I freshen up and pack my things I will go to Stephano's office to write him a note and get the fuck away from here.

I took a quick shower and put on my body lotion, deodorant, red underwear, black leggings, and an oversized grey hoodie. I put on my favorite perfume and white sneakers.

I walked towards Stephano's office, there was no way in hell that he would be there now at this time.

But I halted my steps when I heard Vito's voice come from the inside of the office. I don't know why, but the desperation in his voice made me put my ear to the door to listen in to their conversation. The guard looked at me weirdly but I just shooed him away.

"Just tell her, Dante. I don't understand why you guys are still making the girl suffer as if she has not suffered enough." Vito snarled at what I assumed was Dante.

"Suffered? She's a backstabbing bitch, that's what she is." Stephano chuckled coldly at Vito as my heart broke into a thousand pieces at his cold voice.

"I can't let her suffer more, that's why!" Dante snarled back at Vito. "And you, you shut the fuck up. If you had listened to her she would have explained what happened that day." I assumed Dante said that to Stephano.

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