17. Schedule

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Corinna's P.O.V:
"So, this is the contract. Stephano's father and your father along with your mother actually sat down together and wrote this before your birth. So the deal shouldn't be too much to handle." My chest felt heavy at the mention of my mother or even my father before my birth.

The former Mafia rulers got hunted down a long time ago. Stephano's father and Vito's father was in jail, sentenced to a lifetime.

Stephano's mother had passed away when he was younger. Vito's mom was still alive and well, but hidden from this world.

Both my father and mother got murdered by me.

There was no doubt that my father was a better man before my birth. I bet my life on the fact that he was a true gentleman, caring and loving with no hate in his heart at all.

I made him the man he was. I took his wife from him, his only humanity. I didn't just take his wife's life, I also took his only source to an heir. And that's why he hated me with every fiber in his body.

Dante, I had no idea where Dante even came from. I never saw him as a kid, but I sure heard about him.

My father used to tell me that we were four heirs. So Dante had to be the third one who never showed up at gatherings or parties.

"You know, sometimes I feel like you're an open book. And sometimes I can't even figure out what you're thinking or feeling." Dante spoke lowly as I snapped my head up to him.

"That kid you used to know as a child, I had someone like him too." Dante smiled softly at me as I perked my ears. I wanted to know this story. "She was beautiful, even if she herself didn't know about her beauty." He closed his eyes as if he saw her in front of him, a small smile playing on his lips.

"I wanted nothing more than to be with her and protect her from all the evil in this world. I wanted to tell her how much I wanted to stay with her." I got curious about one thing and couldn't keep it in. I turned to him as I let the question out.

"Did you love her?" I whispered quietly, afraid to break him if I spoke too loud.

Dante smiled at me nervously, as if the answer he was about to give me would shatter him to pieces

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Dante smiled at me nervously, as if the answer he was about to give me would shatter him to pieces. "I loved her as a sister more than anything, I would have given her whatever she asked for. I would have given her my heart and life, my last breath if she wanted it." His voice got lower and lower.

"What happened to her?" I asked, curious again. If he loved her that much he must have found her by now.

"I was fooled by my father, I thought he had finally allowed me to get a friend. But it seems like he had only made me a puppet in his game. I helped him and her father to destroy her, break her." Dante's eyes snapped wide open as he looked at me.

"My father locked me away and when I found out about the sick game he had helped her father with, I tried to break free. I tried to run to her and find her to tell her that I didn't know about their plan. But I was too late, she was nowhere to be found."

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