Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. It was the day. The day I get on the plane and meet Magcon and.. Cameron Dallas.

I still couldn't believe I was meeting them. Was I the only one? Or would there be more?

I unplugged my phone, and walked into my bathroom to get ready. I brushed my hair, put it in a messy ponytail, and applied a little bit of mascara and eyeliner.

And for my outfit, it took me a good 20 minutes to finally decide what to wear. I finally decided on a mint green tank top with bright denim jeans, along with a denim jacket and some matching sandals.

After I was satisfied with my look, I grabbed my bag and 'Camallas'. I wonder if they'd let me bring my giant stuffed dolphin on a plane.. Probably not.

My mom was at work, and my dad was sleeping, obviously. I don't know why he sleeps so much, he just does. Maybe it's a dad thing?

I'm surprised my mom even let me do this. I stepped outside and waited for a taxi. When it arrived, the taxi driver immediately stepped out of the car and took my suit case and put it in the trunk. He then opened the back door for me, and I got inside the taxi.

The taxi driver and I just had a long time of awkward silence, until finally he broke the silence.

"So, where ya flying off to?" He asked.

I probably shouldn't tell him I was meeting Magcon and that I got a call from their director asking me to join their tour and all that.

"I'm flying to Washington, D.C." I simply said.

The taxi driver, or "Matt", nodded and continued driving. I must admit, he kind of scared me. Every now and then he'd take a long good look at me in the mirror, and I was beginning to think he was a rapist.

Finally, we had arrived at the airport. The minute the car stopped I flew our of the car with Camallas and grabbed my suitcase.

"Thank you for your service." I kindly said, and paid the taxi driver. He nodded and drove off.

*in the line, waiting to get on the plane*

"Your passport, ma'am?" The person at the desk said. I grabbed Camallas and handed the man my passport.

I walked down the long hallway to her to the airplane, and finally entered the plane.

*after Natilie sits down and gets settled in the plane*

I'm surprised they let me bring Camallas with me on the plane. I've been sitting on this plane for about an hour and nobody's said anything about it.

I decided to go to sleep, because I knew this flight would be a long trip. Also because I love sleep.

I slowly closed my eyes, and drifted off into a deep sleep.


I woke up to the sound of the plane's wheels screeching against the road, which meant we were landing. I grinned from ear to ear as the plane came to a stop.

Finally after all the passengers were noted that they could get all their belongings and leave, I immediately stood up and got Camallas and my suit case.

I exited the plane, and power walked out of the airport, and called a taxi.

When the taxi arrived, I got in the taxi and the same shit that happened with the first taxi driver happened with this one. Awkward silence.

"I think you'll enjoy Washington, D.C., Miss." He finally said.

"I think I will. And call me Natilie." I smiled. Mom always taught me to be nice to anybody to matter what, even if I wanted to punch them in the gut.

But I didn't hate this taxi driver, it's just that I'd appreciate it if he didn't have to make this drive slightly awkward.

"Natilie, that's a beautiful name." He smiled while looking at me in the mirror.

"Thanks." I mumbled to him.

"Just like your name, you're beautiful as well." He said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Look, you're nice and all but.. Uh.. I don't wanna date you. Sorry." I apologized. Sorry, not sorry.

"That's fine, ma'am." He said.

Throughout the rest of the drive, it was completely silent. Nothing else was said after what he said. But I was totally fine with that. Finally, the taxi came to a stop.

The taxi driver stepped out of the car and opened the door for me, and also got my luggage for me.

"Thank you." I said, while getting my suitcase and Camallas.

The man nodded, got in the taxi, and drove away. I turned to face the Holiday Inn, and smiled as I walked through the doors.

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