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By the time the German soldier had made it to the house, Dawson was still asleep

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By the time the German soldier had made it to the house, Dawson was still asleep. Tommy had noticed a hole in the slanted roof, it's circumference no bigger than that of a large finger. From there, he could see the yard outside the kitchen, where the car that Lucille had stolen was messily parked.

"What's happening?" Dawson's los voice echoed loudly from behind him.

"The German is here." Tommy whispered, his eye trailing over the the limited view of the yard that he had been blessed with. He could sense Dawson, coming up behind him.

"How can you tell?" He asked.

Tommy motioned toward the small hall that resided in the slanted wall. Look."

Dawson bent down toward the hole, flickering his eyes about until they landed in the soldier as he climbed into a car, driving off swiftly. They were startled, as footsteps interrupted the silence, getting closer to the hole in the ceiling where they hid.

"Is there more than one?" Dawson whispered, glancing toward Tommy who had already spun around to plant his gaze in the entrance.

"I don't know." He replied warily, , grabbing a metal pole that stood against a pile in the corner of the loft next to him. Holding the metal high above his shoulder, Tommy moved to kneel beside the hole.

"Ah!" A scream rang out as the person lifted the wooden panel up quickly, coming face to face with Tommy and his deadly pole. She threw out her hands, stopping a confused Tommy from becoming any more confused.

"What are you doing? Be quiet." Lucille hissed, moving around the man to sit by the wall, placing her bag down and settling beside Dawson. She reassured, "The soldier has gone out."

Tommy stared after her, his arm still raised. She shot him a look and he placed the metal to the ground, leaving it by the hole which had been covered.

"This is going to be harder than I thought." Lucille said, as she stood up abruptly, her shoulders sagging slightly until she could come out from below the slant of the roof. Her hands were planted firmly on her hips as she looked around.

"It's very dark in here." She stated.

"You think?" Dawson exclaimed.

"Sorry, hormones." He said again, noticing the taken a back look on her face, which quickly turned to bewilderment at his last statement.

"Why don't we test something." She said, grabbing a thick, brown coloured blanket from the pile by her bag.

She removed the block of wood and climbed down the ladders ending with a slight thud as she dropped. Lucille hurried to place the ladders in the wardrobe in her father's room, before coming back and looking up to the boys that peered down at her.

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