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The day of the races had come quicker than Lucille could have asked for. With the problem of Ada and Freddie and looking after Adds and Finn, she had barely gotten a chance to find a dress, and had instead settled with a cheap one from the only dress shop within half an hours walk. It wasn't dull, per se, but it wasn't rather pretty either.

"Take care of her." She knew polly would, but she could help but say it as she left her daughter by the front door, waving as the car finally pulled up. "Be good, Adds. We love you."

Tommy stepped out and hurried to give Adds a hug, lifting her in the air as she giggled. Then he turned to Lucille, his breath halting his eyes met hers. The feeling had been coming to him more often than it ever had before. It was the exact same as the first time he had seen her and it had felt like he had met an angel each and every time his dark eyes had been allowed to clash with hers.

Lucille's hair lay in waves around her shoulders, the golden highlights glistening despite the lack of sun on Watery Lane. Her navy blue dress sparkled too, like the glint of a far off ocean. Tommy decided that Lucille would always look out of place, too beautiful, too precious for anywhere he could think of, like a porcelain doll in a horse stable.

Perhaps that was his problem when it came to loving her. He held so much adoration for her and their child, that nothing would ever be worth of them, not even when Lucille was content with the smallest of things. It was exactly why he had continued with his messy business. His family would have the best and be the best.

He was staring, he knew that from the harsh blush that had spread across her cheeks to kiss her pointed nose. She smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. His hand aches to reach out and do it for her, as he always used to, but Polly was watching with a smirk and her hair already fell perfectly against her face.

"Is the dress alright, I wasn't sure?" She said finally, breaking him from his trance.

"It's alright, yes," he said, distracted by her strong and careful glances, until he shook his head, replacing his words. "I mean, no, you look beautiful."

"Thank you," she chuckled.

Tommy moved to open the car door for her, holding her hand gently as she sat down comfortably. He gave his aunt and daughter one last wave before he rounded the vehicle, sitting at the drivers seat and starting it up. He was silent at first, and Lucille could tell that she had made him flustered somehow, which made her blush even more.

"I'm so excited. I've never been to anything like the races before," she said, a hint of a laugh still remaining on her lips. "The closest was a harvest festival where they tried to race the sheep."

He turned to give her a quick surprised look. It was another thing he loved about her- the little stories that she seemed to have in multitude. He could listen to her for hours- he had listened to her for hours, in the loft, in France, as he struggled to sleep, the sounds of distant bombs and shovels echoing around his brain.

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