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"Are you sure this is okay, Tommy." Lucille asked him.

As they walked down the road away from the market, Tommy walked in front of them. Lucille was holding Ada, who was beginning to get tired, her head dropping as they walked. She had to tip her head down every time she bobbed up.

It felt as if Tommy was scared to get too close. He walked with his hands held tightly in his pockets, his jaw clenched in thought. It worried her. In France he had been so loving. He had touched her as if she was the most delicate and beautiful thing in his world.

Now he held back. Had he changed his mind about her? That's all she could think about. Perhaps he didn't want her here.

"Yes, it's just." He paused, rubbing his hand over his chin as he slowed to walk by her side. "Things are different here. I'm different here."

Lucille frowned. She wondered what he meant. She had to admit that he did look different, but she knew that his appearance wasn't what he meant. As well as that, she worried about his family. She knew so much about them; she had named her daughter after his sister after all, but did they know anything about her?

After a small while more of walking in silence, they reached a house in the middle of a row of terraced houses. Tommy nodded his head after he opened the door, letting her step into the house first. Ada was sleeping, her mouth flattened and drooling against her shoulder, which had gone numb from the continuous pressure.


Lucille turned quickly to see an older woman rush around the corner. She stopped as her eyes rested on Lucille and the sleeping child in her arms, speechless for a moment.

"Pol." Tommy greeted, swaying back and forth on his heels.

His Aunt Polly's eyes snapped toward him as she stepped forward into the hallway. "Oh good Lord, this is her?"

The woman's smile was wide as her eyes trailed down her figure. Lucille could imagine the fact that she hadn't recognised that it was Tommy's daughter sleeping in her shoulder. She felt arms wrap around them- Tommy must have nodded.

"Welcome, sweetheart, I've been dying to meet you." Polly said.

Her voice sounded warm like honey. It was comforting, reminding Lucille of her mother. Even her hold around them was pleasant, keeping her together.

"You knew about me?" She asked as they pulled away. Polly's hands were still placed comfortingly on her arms.

"Well, I had to coax it out of him, but I knew there was someone. You've got a good effect on him." She said, breaking out into an even wider smile. "I'm Polly."

"Lucille." She greeted, before turning so her daughter was directly in front of them. "This is Ada."

She had woken up, her cheeks rosy and covered in drool. Polly looked at the girl knowingly as Tommy stepped forward, letting her small hands grip into his finger. Lucille smiled at him, letting him be the one to tell his Aunt.

"Our daughter." Tommy said.

Unwillingly, Lucille found herself holding her breath. She had been so scared for his family to find out. Polly beamed, walking toward the three and stroking her cheek endearingly.

"She is adorable." Polly whispered and Lucille breathed laughing as Ada giggled.

She turned toward Tommy a stern glare in her face. She picked up a newspaper from the cabinet, lifting it up and whacking him on the shoulder.

"You left a pregnant woman for that long, Tommy Shelby, you idiot!" Polly shouted, an angry stare on her face.

"Oh! He didn't know I was pregnant." Lucille stuttered and Polly glanced between them, softening into a smile. "Neither did I until he left."

"She's named after our Ada?" She asked and Lucille nodded gently.

"That's sweet." Polly said. "Call me Aunt Pol. Both of you."

"Lucille, do you mind putting the kettle on, it's just through there." She asked, her eyes moving to look at Tommy.

"Oh, of course." Lucille spluttered, moving to take Ada through to the kitchen and leaving the two to talk.


"I said write to the bloody woman, not being her home." Polly snapped as soon as Lucille had left the hallway and made it further away toward the kitchen. "Look at the mess you're in, with the Lees, the races, the fucking guns. You can't raise a child through all this."

Tommy sighed. He knew Polly would say something along the lines of telling him off.

"Do you not think I know that, Pol?" He said and she shook her head. "I'll figure it out."

"I know what you're like Thomas." She said. "Too well. You love that woman, and you're going to let her know it. It doesn't matter what's going on, don't push her away now."

Tommy brought his hand to rub his jaw again. He felt nervous all of a sudden- he cared what Polly thought. She may as well have been his mother after all. He also knew that he would guide him right. She understood how he felt, understood what he wanted and she knew what to tell him to lead him there.

"You said it yourself Pol, I can't raise a child like this. Just look at John's they're running round barefoot in the streets."

"This girl has a mother and a father who's willing to put himself out for family. This is nothing like your brother." Polly snapped, bringing the paper up to slap him again. "Take care of what you have, Thomas. Or soon you'll be left with nothing."

Tommy knew exactly what she meant. He couldn't lose her, not when he loved her. But Polly still didn't understand the extent of the business, of the guns or the inspector or of Billy Kimber. For the first time in his life, he felt scare. Scared of what his business will bring to his family, which was larger now than it ever had been.

"Thank you, Lucille." Polly said as she appeared in the doorway, telling them that the tea was ready for them all.!Tommy hadn't noticed, he was still stuck in his fearful thoughts.

"Come on, we'll have a chat over a cup of tea." She said, pulling them both into the kitchen.

Polly motioned for her to take Ada and Lucille handed her over hesitantly. She was shy in her arms until Polly smiled even wider shaking her nose and making her laugh.

"I have a feeling I'll like having you here." Polly said, and Lucille couldn't have agreed anymore.

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