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In Lucille's household on Lavender Farm, days were often tense. Ever since the war had ended, she had slumped into the times of depression that were known before the fighting days. If it hadn't been for Ada, she wouldn't have known what to do with herself.

The young girl had been named after her father's sister, her Aunty, as a reminder of Tommy's love for his family. Lucille was scared that they would never meet again. He didn't know she was pregnant- what if he forgot about her? What if he was dead?

Even at two years old, Little Ada resembled her mother as if they were duplicates.  She had light blonde hair, a pinched nose and a precious smile. But she had her fathers eyes, wide and bright, the colour of hopeful skies. She was beautiful and Lucille loved her more than anyone in the world.

But since her birth, Lucille, Maron and even Adam had felt the shadow of the English soldier in their home. Since Adam had returned, she had felt Tommy's absence more than ever. She saw him in the fields beneath the trees. She saw him in the kitchen, sitting in the corner as she baked, reading. She saw him with her, happy with their child.

But Adam saw an intruder. In his eyes, Tommy was as bad as the enemy. To him, the Englishman had spoiled his home, his life, his wife.

She couldn't find it in her to tell him to leave- she felt emotionally drained. He still went to his second family, using them like a holiday escape. Lucille felt bad for the woman and the child. She wouldn't wish Adam on any woman.

But at no later than eight months after the war, Lucille had had enough.

"Come on baby, we have to go." Lucille pulled little Ada up by her underarms, settling her on her hip as she pulled her toys up into her bag.

"Mama." The girl squealed, clapping excitedly onto Lucille's cheeks.

"I know baby." She whispered, tickling her on the chin. "This isn't where we belong."

With most of her worthy things packed, Lucille stomped down the stairs with two bags on one arm and Ada on the other. At the bottom of the stairs, Adam was waiting, a scowl permanently on his face. As she brushed past him, he hurried after her.

"Lucille, come on! Let's talk about this!" He shouted, as she stormed out of the door, struggling to carry her things.

His actions were screaming that he didn't care. That he only wanted her for his own self-absorbed reasons. His cigarette was lazily hanging from between his lips and his posture was slumped and poor.

"No. We're leaving Adam." She screamed back. "The war's over. Stay with my father if you want to. He loves you enough."

"You're not leaving!"

Lucille turned back around with a glare. She had never felt so much anger in her life.

"Yes I am." She said shortly, twisting back around to continue her way to the edge of the drive way. A car pulled up at the edge of the courtyard and Amélie stepped out as planned.

"Thank the Lord, Amélie. Just in time." Lucille screamed before turning lastly to Adam. "Leave me alone, Adam. There's no home for me here anymore."

"Aunty Ami is here Ada." Lucille cooed as the little girl began to bubble. Lucille's heart leaped in her chest. She had caused her baby's sadness.

"I'll take her." Amélie said, as she lightly picked Ada from her mother's arms.

"I've wanted to say this to you since the day I found out." Lucille turned, a deadly gaze in her eyes. She spoke calmly.

"You're a selfish coward, Adam! Like a leech! You suck everything you can from anyone until there's nothing left and you move on. Just like you moved on from me." She saw her father stepping out from in the house, an confused and tired look on his face.
"You don't deserve us. Neither of you do!"

"We're you going Lucille?" Maron asked, his voice apathetic. Did he think this was a joke?

"You know where. I never want to see you again." She said, meeting her daughter and friend in the car.

They left quickly, leaving the two men far behind for good as they headed to the train station. Lucille told herself that this was for the best. She was doing it for Ada.

There was nothing keeping them in France anymore. Not since the war ended. This was their chance for happiness. And not the kind that was fakes for the sake of family. Real happiness, that she knew she would find in England.

That was, if they did find Tommy.

She hadn't heard a word from him. And in her situation, there were multiple possibilities as to what would happen. Lucille just hoped that she would meet him with open arms. Even if she didn't know where the hell she was going in Birmingham.

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