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Finn Shelby watched as Adds waddled up to him, falling flat down to his side as he pushed the toy soldier around on the dusty rug. She was laughing at him, and that made the young boy scowl huffily. He supposed she was his cousin now, or something of the sort. Her mum was with his brother, and he guessed that meant that Tommy was dad. Finn had lots of cousins, though he couldn't remember most of them, he thought.

He leaned forward, poking her side and hoping it would make her stop giggling. But Adds laughed even more, her rosy cheeks blushing even further at the tickle that hit her sides. That finally made Finn laugh too. He tickled again, his chuckles ringing around the loudly.

"How old are you? I'm ten now," he asked her, as his hat pulled over his eyes, too big for his small head.

"I'm Two," Adds said, her legs rocking back and forth as she hopped excitedly on her bottom.


Finn stuck his tongue out in disgust. She was practically a baby, he thought. But he shrugged, letting out a playful sigh as he asked her to play. She was his cousin after all.

"Want to play coppers and robbers?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Adds was giggling again, she never seemed to stop.

Finn shuffles quickly to his feet, his eye catching a glint of metal from the kitchen table. Lucille's back was turned as she sliced the bread on the bench, her soft voice humming as she made the two children door. A cheeky grin lifted his face, and if the woman had seen it, she would have likened it to John's constant expression. He had saw just what he needed for the perfect game.

Diving forward, Finn reached the gun from the table, holding the heavy object in his hands as he slid back to where Adds waited in the sitting room. He held it toward her, letting her take it, dropping it to the floor while still in her hand.

"Look, you hold that, and I run and you have to catch me," he explained. "Yeah?"

Adds just nodded happily, her blonde hair shaking and flying in her eyes as she giggled once again. Finn rolled his eyes, though not without a smile.

"You can talk you know, I don't bite," he insisted. "Ready?"

Once again, Adds nodded and Finn took that as a joyful urge to start. He moved backward, sliding himself behind the large settee, a huge red fusion blocking the young girl from his view.

"Go!" Finn shouted as he hurried to sprint away, pushing himself behind the next settee over that Adds had sat against. "You can't catch me!"

Adds couldn't catch him, but she could certainly, unknowingly frighten him. A screeching bang echoed through the room as the gun was not purposefully shot, the bullet pinging against the wall opposite the young girl.

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