Chapter Two

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As I drifted in the darkness of my mind, my thoughts kept going back to her.

Avalon Winter.

Her name was Avalon Winter.

Who was she? She was a demigod, that much was clear. Was she one of the Fated Four? She had to be. My heart longed to be near her. Was she the daughter of Hermes? He was mentioned in the prophecy after all. Besides, Acheron hardly ever left the Underworld. He was mentioned in the prophecy as well, but I doubted that Avalon was his daughter.

I could still see her beautiful face as I floated in the darkness of my mind.


Those sparkling hazel eyes.


Her red lips.


My eyes flew open and I found Apollo standing next to my bed.

"How do you feel?" he asked. I felt my head start pounding again as the poison kept making its way through my veins.

"My head is pounding," I replied.

"Drink this," Apollo told me as he handed me a vial containing a blue liquid. I downed the contains of the vial in one gulp and made a face when the awful taste hit my tongue.

"Apollo, that's awful," I stated.

"No one ever said that medicine tasted good, my friend," Apollo replied.

I scowled and rolled my eyes. Apollo pulled the knife out of my shoulder and I cried out in pain.

"Seriously Apollo?!" I hissed as pain shot through my shoulder.

"You and I both know the knife had to come out, Ryder," Apollo stated.

"You could have warned me first," I growled.

"It would have hurt more if I had," Apollo replied as he grabbed a damp cloth, "This may sting a little." He placed it on the open wound on my shoulder and I hissed in pain.

Apollo finished cleaning my wound and wrapped my shoulder in bandages.

"Thank you Apollo," I told the Olympian.

"It's no problem, Ryder," he replied.

"How long will it take me to heal?" I asked.

"I'd say that you should be fully healed after the celebration of Hera's ascent to the throne," Apollo replied.

"And when is that?" I asked.

"In about two months," Apollo replied.

"Two months?!" I exclaimed, "I'm stuck here for two months?!"

"I'm afraid so," Apollo replied.

"Apollo do you have any idea what kind of damage Eris and Ares could do in that amount of time?" I asked.

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