Chapter Twelve

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I was still in shock. Ares had hurt my Mom. He had beaten her and made her feel like she was worthless. She didn't deserve that. She deserved to be treated like a Queen. I knew that I had promised Ryder that I wouldn't do anything reckless, but somehow, someway, I would make Ares pay for hurting my Mom. That was a promise I made to myself.

I would make him suffer. But how? Athena hadn't really given us anything to work with.

"Ugh, why do the Gods always have to talk in riddles?!" I asked.

"I don't know, love, but I do know that Athena wouldn't speak to us that way if she didn't think we could figure it out," Ryder replied, "Who knows? Maybe Soren and Rose found something."

We walked out of the Inner Sanctum and entered the passageway. Eventually we made it out of the library and got into Ryder's BMW before returning to the lake house.

We made it back to the lake house and entered the living room to find Arrow and Clarissa sitting across from each other in front of the fireplace

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We made it back to the lake house and entered the living room to find Arrow and Clarissa sitting across from each other in front of the fireplace. Their eyes were closed and they looked like they were in their own world.

"What are they doing?" I asked quietly.

"Looking into the past," Ryder explained, "Arrow can see the past and their completed soulmate bond allows Clary to draw on his powers."

Clarissa started shaking and her eyes flew open. Arrow's eyes flew open and he was in front of her within a second. He wrapped his arms around her and tried to soothe her.

"Arrow...I..." Clarissa trailed off, unable to finish.

"I know," he whispered, "Believe me, I do."

"What did you see?" Ryder asked them.

"Ares' exploits don't reveal anything particularly useful about him," Arrow replied, "He seems to live for the thrill of battle, but we knew that already."

Ryder sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Are you going back into the past?" he asked.

"Ryder...I can't," Clarissa admitted, "There was too much...blood...too many bodies...and oh my Gods...all those people." Arrow held her closer.

"I know," he assured her, "Gods, I shouldn't have let you go there with me."

Ryder and I silently left the room as Arrow continued to soothe a shaken Clarissa.

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked quietly.

"Arrow's with her, she'll be fine eventually," Ryder assured me, "The's a dark place. Arrow's been going there for centuries, so he's used to it. Clary, on the other hand...well...she's still learning just how dark and terrible the past can be."

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