Chapter Fifteen

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AN: Hello everyone and welcome to Chapter Fifteen of Designate! Things are going to get a bit steamy and there is a mature content warning for half of this chapter. I will give you guys a heads up as it gets closer. Hope you all enjoy! Now onward and forward to Chapter Fifteen!

 Hope you all enjoy! Now onward and forward to Chapter Fifteen!

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The sun had set a little while ago and Artemis had brought the moon out. Arrow, Calix, Clarissa, and Nemesis has gone out again to search for Eris and Soren and Rosalie we're still on Olympus, which left Ryder and me alone in the lake house.

Although we weren't exactly in the house at the moment. We were outside, shooting arrows at targets. I pulled back on my bowstring and readied to fire, but then Ryder said something that shook me to my core.

"I think I'm ready," he whispered, breaking the comfortable silence that had surrounded us. I inadvertently released the arrow and it landed in the grass near the target.

"What did you say?" I asked, still shocked and unsure if I'd heard him correctly.

"I said that I'm ready," he replied, "I'm ready to let you in. I'm ready for you see everything. That is...if you're still willing?"

"Ryder, of course I am, but...what changed?" I asked.

"I've been experiencing this pain for centuries, Avalon, and in that time I searched for my soulmate desperately, wanting her to end my pain," he explained, "But then when you came before me, I...I didn't want to put my pain on you because I felt as though I'd be hurting you if I did, but I feel a desperate need to heal and my soul longs for yours to heal it. I just...I hope you won't look at me differently after you see it all."

"Ryder, I love you," I told him, "And I know that loving you means that I need to deal with your demons too. I get that and I'm not going to judge you. I'm ready."

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes," I replied, "I choose you. I want you, Ryder."

And then he kissed me. This kiss was different than the others. It was more heated and full of need. Our lips moved in sync and I felt a desire within me. I wanted him, desperately. I dropped my bow and tangled my hands in his hair. He wrapped his arms around my body and pulled me closer.

I let out a moan of pleasure and Ryder growled and I felt him move his hands under my thighs and lifted them up, so that he could wrap them around his waist and I happily complied. He carried me inside and up the stairs and soon we entered his room. He kicked the door shut behind us.

He moved expertly and eventually I felt my back hit a wall. I unwrapped my legs from around his waist and stood in front him. I felt his hands run down my arms and grab my hands. He gently pinned them to the wall on either side of my head as he attacked my neck with his lips and teeth, sending pleasure through my body.

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