Chapter Fourteen

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I found myself in a glass room. I looked around and saw shadows swirling around a figure. I couldn't tell if it was a man or woman. Whoever it was, they were on their knees. I could hear the shadows whispering in the darkness.

You killed them.



You are responsible for their deaths.

"Please," a familiar voice pleaded, "It wasn't my fault." It took me a second to recognize the familiar dulcet tones of that voice, but eventually I did and I rushed over to him.

"Ryder!" I shouted, "Baby, it's okay, I'm here!"

The shadows began swirling around me and I heard their whispers.

You can't help him.

He's just a broken man.

He'll never be worthy of you.

He's nothing.

He's no one.

"You're wrong!" I growled.

Are we?

"Yes!" I growled angrily, "He isn't broken! He's the strongest person I know!"

You don't really know him, do you?

There's a darkness in him.

He's a monster.

A demon.

A liar.

A manipulator.

A murderer.

"You're wrong," I told them.

I closed my eyes and thought about the lake. The lake was Ryder's safe haven. He didn't need to worry about these voices there. I opened my eyes and watched as the glass room disappeared and the lake appeared next to us. The dock appeared under our feet.

Ryder uncovered his ears and turned to me.

"Thank you," he said quietly.

I nodded in response.

"You didn' didn't hear what those voices said did you?" he asked quietly.

"I did," I admitted, "They said some things to me as well."

Ryder looked ashamed. I touched his cheek, trying to soothe him.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.

Ryder sighed.

"I suppose I should," he replied, "Those voices are the darkest parts of my subconscious. They torment me whenever I fall asleep."

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