Chapter Seven

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Two months.

It had been two months since Ryder had arrived on Olympus and during that time, the two of us had gotten incredibly close. We were practically inseparable. And because we had spent so much rime together, my attraction for him only grew. Now I wondered what it was.

Something told me I'd find out tonight.

Tonight was the celebration of Hera's ascent to the throne and the entire pantheon was expected to attend. I wondered if Ryder's brothers and their soulmates were making the journey to Olympus for the celebration. I hoped so. He seemed to adore his sisters in law, Clarissa and Rosalie, and I was hoping to meet them. They were both members of the Fated Four, which made me even more curious about them.

Currently, I was in my room with Harmonia and she was going through my closet, trying to find me something to wear for the evening. Finally, she pulled out a long emerald green dress and I smiled.

"I see that smile on your face," Harmonia smirked, "Go put this on."

I got changed and Harmonia smiled at me.

"You look amazing," she told me.

The dress itself was emerald green and long. It had a fitted bodice and then flowed down to my feet, almost like a waterfall. I felt beautiful in this dress. It hugged my curves and made me feel beautiful. There were jewelled embellishments on the straps of my dress and they sparkled in the light, making the dress look even more amazing than it already was.

Harmonia handed me a pair of heels. I sat down on the stool next to the vanity and slipped them on. Harmonia twisted my chestnut coloured hair into an elegant bun and then gave me smokey eyes and a bright red lip. I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't help but smile. I liked what she had done. Harmonia had made me feel beautiful and I was sure that none of the minor Goddesses would dare to look down on me tonight. My sister had turned me into a Goddess for one night. It was like I was Cinderella and she was my Fairy Godmother.

"Harmonia...I love it," I told my sister, "Thank you."

She smiled at me.

"Ryder is going to flip when he sees you," she told me before walking into the bathroom. After a few moments, she came out dressed in a light blue dress. Her hair was done up in a braided crown. She was ready to party.

I blushed at her comment.

"I don't know," I stated.

"Are you going to tell him how you feel?" Harmonia asked.

"I don't know," I admitted, "I'm not sure what I feel yet."

"Please, it's been two months," Harmonia scoffed.

"That doesn't mean anything, Harmonia," I told my sister.

She sighed.

"Come on, let's go find Eros and Psyche," she told me, "We can all go down together."

I nodded and the two of us left the room and went down the hall to Eros and Psyche's room. We entered and found that Eros and Psyche were already dressed for the party.

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