Preview of Weave: Chapter One

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I looked at the man that stood in front of Persephone curiously. His hair was as black as the night sky and his eyes were a deep dark blue. He was intriguing, I had to admit, and I couldn't help but get lost in those gorgeous eyes of his. It was Persephone's voice that brought me back to reality.

"Davina, this is Calix Mortane," the Goddess told me, "He's a son of Nyx and Erebus."

"Hello Davina," he greeted me in a dulcet voice, "I'm honoured to meet you." My heart fluttered at his words and I wondered why.

"It's nice to meet you too, My Lord," I replied, assuming that he was a deity.

"Please, call me Calix," he told me. I smiled and nodded.

"What brings you to the Underworld, Calix?" I asked.

"How much have you heard from the human world?" he asked curiously.

"Not much, my Father believes that I don't need to worry myself with such things," I replied. My Father, the River deity, Acheron, was incredibly protective of me.

"Well, my brothers and have been waging war against our sister, Eris," Calix replied.

"The Goddess of Strife and Discord," I recalled, remembering my lessons.

"That's right," Calix replied, "She's been turning people to stone and Hecate is attempting to make a potion to reverse the petrification. She needs one more ingredient. The problem is that this ingredient can only be found within the depths of your Father's river."

"And my Father is wary of most other deities," I sighed, seeing the problem.

"It seems that way," Calix agreed, "Is there any way to convince your Father to give up the ingredient? I need Hecate's potion. The situation in the human world is too dire for me to return without it."

"I'll see what I can do," I assured him, "Maybe you could come with me and discuss the situation with my Father? I'm sure he'd be willing to help you if he knew what was happening."

"Calix, will you be joining Hades and me for dinner?" Persephone asked.

"Of course, My Queen," he replied.

Persephone nodded, satisfied with that response and Calix turned to me.

"Lead the way," he told me.

I nodded and the two of us walked away, leaving Persephone alone in her garden. As we walked, I couldn't help but wonder who Calix was. Persephone has introduced him as a son of Nyx and Erebus, so he could be a God. But something about him made me think he was more than that.

His beautiful voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Forgive me, but you're a demigod, aren't you?" he asked.

I almost froze in shock. How did he know that?

"Yes, but how did you know?" I asked.

"I could sense it," Calix replied, "Sorry, I didn't mean to pry."

"No, it's fine," I assured him, "You weren't prying. I was just surprised that you could tell. Persephone said that you're a son of Nyx and Erebus."

"That's right," Calix replied.

"What do you preside over, if you don't mind my asking?" I asked.

"It''s complicated," Calix replied hesitantly. I looked at him, both confused and puzzled by his answer. Was there something wrong with what he presided over? I could feel his apprehension, so I knew that he wasn't ready to tell me, and didn't press the subject any further.

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