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In front of the Motel.

I was with my boyfriend and he looked so adamant to do it tonight. We've been together for almost a year now and we haven't done anything to level up our relationship yet.

It's not that I don't want it but I just can't.

I keep glancing at my wristwatch then suddenly I heard my phone ringing like a siren. It's my alarm. It's already 8:45 in the evening and my heart is beating briskly. I turned the alarm off. I suddenly feel the urge to get out of this place quickly.

I knew that what he wanted wouldn't happen tonight.

It's because of me. Always me. I always have to refuse every night that he would ask me. I love him and I'm certain that I want to but he always ask to do it at night.

Why at night? Damn this curse. It ruins my sex life. My love life. No. It already ruined my life since then.

"Let's go," Baekhyun said as he held my hand. "Let's do it."

"I'm sorry but I need to go home," I had to refuse. Again.

He looked at me, deadpanned. "What? What's your excuse this time Taeyeon?"

I slowly snatched my hand from him and looked down "I really need to go home. Let's talk tomorrow Baekhyun."

"No. We need to talk now. We're always like this Taeyeon. It happens frequently and it's obvious that you're avoiding it to happen. What's wrong? Don't you love me?" I could hear hurt in his voice.

"I love you, you know that but love is not just sex Baekhyun. It's just part of it-"

"Yes it's part of love and I know that you love me because that's what you always tell me but I don't feel it," he raised his voice. 

I looked back to him and saw him crying as his hands rounded into fists. "Baekhyun..." I felt something was stabbing my heart. It was a complete torture to see my love in pain.

"We're in the right age to do it-"

"But we're not married yet," I interrupted him.

He bitterly laughed "Now you mentioned marriage huh? What? You're not sure about this relationship?"

I frowned "It's not what I mean..."

He shook his head "Just tell me the truth, you don't love me."

"Of course I love you!" I raised my voice, I couldn't control it. What's wrong with him? Asking me my love for him? It hurts like shit.

In reflex, I glanced at my wristwatch again. It's 8:50 pm.

Shit shit shit. I need to be in my dorm before 9 pm.

"I'm sorry Baekhyun, let's just talk tomorrow. I really need to go," I said hurriedly.

"If you go now, it means... it's the end of our relationship..."

My eyebrows snapped together as I looked at him shocked "What?"

"If you leave now Taeyeon, it will be the end for us," he restated firmly.

"Don't do this Baekhyun... please..." I pleaded.

I really love him but I need to go and hide.

"It's your choice Taeyeon," he coldly said. I could sense that he already knew my answer.

I have no choice.

It happens over and over.

Maybe I'm destined to be alone because of this curse.

I slowly turned around "I'm sorry," I mumbled.

Then I rushed and went to my dorm unit. I ran like it would cause my life.

Well, my life depend on it. I need to hide there. It's my refuge, my safe place.

This curse in me happens at night, from 9 pm to 6 am.

This cursed body.



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